Taking a Time Out

If you are on blogger, you might have also been having issues with your blog the past couple days.
They say everything is back to normal, but not on my end...
I had several posts that I had written up, ready to go...
I think I had 8 or 9, anyways, they have disappeared!
Nope, I can not find them anywhere, but I tell you what...
I learned my lesson.

From here on, I will be saving a copy somewhere else...
Lesson learned.

With that in mind, I am a bit frustrated...
I will be playing catch up the next several days...
They were all reviews and giveaways...
Yeah, it took time...
Lots of time...

So, please excuse me for a few days...
I am not "gone", just trying to get them all rewritten!

Thanks and hope you have a great weekend!!!!


  1. Im missing a bunch of posts I made too. I really hope they come back because one of them was a giveaway with people that had already entered and I'm getting complaints! Oh what a mess! :(

  2. Hi, I popped back to see what was new and see that you have been having a spot of bother. I did notice a few other blogs naffected yesterday and comments disappearing. Well, I expect it is busy place out there!I am with Wordpress but I keep copies of everything just in case. Look forward to coming back very soon :-)

  3. Ouch ... I'm sorry to hear that you lost your scheduled posts. I know how long it takes to write review/giveaway posts, so I can well imagine your frustration.

    I've heard good things about Windows LiveWriter, but I haven't tried it yet. Have you?

  4. You need a product called Carbonite. That's what I use for backup.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that! I've lost posts before and it's so frustrating to have to recreate them.

  6. I think lots of people had things disappear. Thankfully I lost just a few.

  7. I only had one post that was deleted but it has came back. Maybe in the next few days they all return!

  8. I use BlogDesk to draft my posts and keep and schedule in there until they are ready to get published in my site. Other bloggers use Windows Live Writer, but it's too much for my needs and really prefer BlogDesk. You might want to look this up.

  9. I saw your posts in my little newsfeed but couldn't get to them. Can't wait to see the posts and hope you come back soon

  10. I was irritated with the missing posts and then the missing comments.
    Then I thought about the poor bloggers who lost comments on their giveaways, that's really gotta suck, because I know how difficult some sweepers can be - they get really mad at the blogger, like it was all her fault.


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