What did you do last night? Monday's NEW shows

When I used to work, it was mainly nights...
Think about it, I worked in a restaurant for 10 years...
So, during that time, my television was minimal.
But, since Broxton was born (and I have been lucky enough to be able to stay home, so far... )
I am really trying to make up for lost time!
HA! Ha! Ha! HA!

I was so excited for the new season of Two and a Half Men...
For several reasons, I LOVE watching the reruns, as I am constantly laughing at what they are doing... I still do not know who I find myself laughing at the most, but I think it is Bertha. Anyways, between already being a fan... and wanting to see how the new season would start...
I was ready! I am serious! I had a post it note on my desk reminding me when it started, I set the reminder on the television... and I was ready!

If you have not seen it and want to, I suggest no longer reading this post, as I am totally talking about it all... so, major spoilers!

When it opened, it was just as we all had known... Charlie is dead.
Of course, we had already heard that ALL of his ex girlfriends through the years would be there. (Well, most, as Denise Richards said nope, she wasn't going to do it.) Then there was Rose.
Now that crazy stalker cracks me up! When she got up to speak, I was totally surprised at how Charlie died. (You have to watch to see, can not really give it all away!)
But the best part of the night to me was when the house was for sale and the two potential buyers came in.
I caught myself saying "NO way" as John Stamos came in... (Remember, it was rumored he was taking Charlies part.) Then, Dharma and Greg! I loved seeing them, but did not like how they acted towards one another, it was not the fun loving D&G from when I watched... But it was neat that Chuck Lorre had them on here, as he was also over that show too!
I was still waiting to see how the whole Ashton Kutcher being the new owner of the house was going to play out, and I loved how it worked out!!!
Long story short, he turns to Allan for relationship advice, (it was so funny to see the two of them at the bar) and in the end, Allan is once again left to be alone while the new "leading man" hooks up with two girls!
I can not wait to see how the season unfolds and how the chemistry with all of them works out, but as of last night... I think it is going to be great!!!

Now this one looked funny to me, as I used to be a server and I wanted to see what this was going to be about...
The story line on this was that a rich chic from New York ends up broke, with no trust fund or anything and picks a job somewhere that her rich friends would never see her...
She ends up in a diner working and the "other broke girl" is the girl that will be her trainer.
I was cracking up laughing at the honesty that Max (Kat Dennings) shares while working...
In the first couple minutes of the whole show, she is interacting with customers the way that some servers really want to do!!!!
It was great. Then she meets Caroline (newcomer Beth Behrs) the rich turned poor girl.
It is quickly learned that Caroline has never worked before... her "marrying the ketchup" was a classic! Although they do not hit it off to begin with, you can tell that Max isn't one to open up to many people... They eventually realize that they can be great friends and although they are both "poor girls" with barely enough money to survive, they realize with the potential they both have, they can really see themselves going places.
This is a show that I want to see how it develops. I loved the humor in it last night, so I can not wait to see what next week brings...
(I will warn, the humor can be seen as a bit "harsh" to some ... Just so you know.)

So, did you watch anything good last night?
What did you think?
I am excited to see what all comes on tonight!
I am loving this new lineup!!!!

***** I planned on blogging about the shows for Premier week already... Lucky for me, I am now entered into a contest to win a prize for my thoughts. *****


  1. I missed Two and a Half Men because I was watching Dancing with the Stars. LOL

  2. Watched two and a half men last night, hilarious!


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