Stay Well. Stay Hydrated. For You. For Life... @Drinkneuro

I admit that I read what the celebrities are up to... Yes, some would call me a junkie.  No, I don't stalk and no, I do not fall into all the crazes that they promote... BUT, I do get curious.  
A while back, I saw all the buzz with celebrities was about this new drink, Neuro.
I will tell you, I started looking for it...  I wanted to know what the big deal was.
I never found it and I did not have the opportunity to review it... Until Now.

I was recently sent several of the Neuro drinks  to try .
First of all, the person in charge of their packaging is to be recommended.
I notice the packaging of all things and it is very eye catching.
The only bad thing about the bottles?  As soon as my toddler saw them, he immediately wanted me to drink "all of them now" so that he could use them for bowling!    Hey, at least we can recycle them into a fun game once we enjoy them.

Now let me tell you this... 
I was eager to try them all, but I wanted to try them in the way they are made...
Not to just drink them for the flavor.

As I write this post, I have yet to drink them all, but I do for sure plan on it.
I will say, it is sort of hard to describe some of the flavors...

The first I want to tell you about:  NeuroBliss.  To me, it tasted a bit like a carbonated lemonade.  I really enjoyed it and I could see me drinking these on days where I am trying to just relax and take it easy.

NeuroBliss® is a delicious drink designed to promote happiness and eliminate stress without affecting your energy levels. The combination of blissful ingredients in this product is distinctly unique from any other product on the market. L-Theanine, an amino acid found in green tea which has been clinically proven to help reduce stress, works by altering brain waves, shifting them from the beta spectrum to the alpha spectrum — where a person is focused and alert, but calm. NeuroBliss is perfect for anyone wishing to reduce anxiety caused by every day stressors. NeuroBliss® can be consumed multiple times per day and works immediately.

Up next, the NeuroSport.  Now, I have not tried this one yet, but plan to this weekend.  If it is anything like the ones I have tried, they will win me over.  I am not a huge sports drink fan, so I am really hoping that this one pulls me in!  

NeuroSport™ is a delicious drink designed to replenish the body during and after exercise with the unparalleled combination of 12 minerals and 5 electrolytes. The five key electrolytes of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and chloride are in each bottle. Most sports drinks contain only 2 — sodium and potassium — not enough to keep the body properly hydrated. It’s scientifically proven that magnesium, calcium, and chloride significantly contribute to effective rehydration during exercise. NeuroSport™ also has good-for-you minerals such as chromium, copper, manganese, molybdenum and selenium, which are depleted during rigorous workouts. Quickly restoring these minerals helps improve endurance and increase fitness levels, making NeuroSport™ the sports drink of the next generation.

The one I am most excited to try:  NeuroTrim.   I have tasted it, as I would hate to have my hopes up for this and it taste like crap.  Nope, it has a little bit of a fruity flavor... Hard to describe.  But good, so yes, I know I will enjoy drinking this... and hope against all hope that it does control my appetite.  

NeuroTrim™ is a refreshing, non-carbonated drink formulated to help promote healthy weight loss. NeuroTrim contains a special form of fiber known asAmorphophallus konjac ("LuraLean®").  Compared to other fibers, LuraLean is considerably more hygroscopic (water-absorbing) and dense, both factors contributing to its effectiveness. When consumed, LuraLean expands in the stomach to many times its original size, helping to control appetite and reduce between meal food cravings. Based on the expansion properties of LuraLean, one gram (included in each serving of NeuroTrim) is equivalent to 18-20 grams of regular fiber. In conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program, NeuroTrim should be consumed 30 minutes prior to each major meal.

Finally, my favorite:  NeuroSleep.  I was really hopeful that this would be like a wonder drug.  My mom has issues sleeping.  Marc has issues sleeping. Both of my grandparents, my aunt... I could go on and on.  I was dreaming that this would work, as I hate when people have to take sleeping pills and what not to rest.  I saw that the NeuroSleep has melatonin in it, so I was eager to give this a try.  Okay, I am sold.  Completely sold!  I drank one and in just a bit, I was so tired that my eyes were crossing.  To me, the flavor tastes like a watered down tang.  Not a bad thing, as you are trying to go to sleep... not get all pumped up.  It was relaxing and very enjoyable.  I finished the bottle, stayed up a bit longer... went to bed and had a great nights sleep.  I woke up refreshed and ready to go!  This is a winner in my book!  

NeuroSleep™ is a delicious drink formulated with ingredients to help promote restful sleep. Each ingredient contained in NeuroSleep plays a unique role in the sleep cycle. Melatonin, which is found naturally in tart cherries but also produced in the body, serves as the primary ingredient to promote restful sleep. Additionally, NeuroSleep™ provides 5-HTP, an ingredient structurally similar to the amino acid tryptophan, which provides structural support to neurotransmitters important for cognitive health. Magnesium is included at 300 mg per bottle (75% of the daily value), and serves as a key electrolyte that may help prevent cramping during rest. NeuroSleep™ is the optimal bedtime drink, providing quality rest which helps you function at your best.

If you have not figured it out, I am in love with the NeuroSleep.  It is by far my favorite.  As far as the taste and the results.  I could go on and on and tell you about the other ones, but I would really love for you to visit the Neuro site and check it out for your self.  It is very impressive.  Of course, I share the good with the bad... So:  the bad?  It seems as though I can not purchase it locally in any store near me...  I really hate that... but, the good is that I can order it online.  
Click on over to see if Neuro is near  you.

Don't forget to follow Neuro on Facebook and Twitter.

(They had a contest going on twitter the other day to win a case! Also, tweet your favorite Neuro Drink  and they donate to the Elton John Aids Foundation!)

Have you ever tried Neuro?  Is it sold near you?

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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