Learn the Alphabet with A Songbook - W is for Wapiti

I love finding things that Broxton and I can enjoy together...
Lately, we have been enjoying the alphabet songbook, W is for Wapiti!

I will tell you, I was excited to check this out... 
As it isn't your ordinary "alphabet" book... 
This is so fun and different!
This is actually a colorfully illustrated book that goes along with a CD.
The CD is actually the songs that are throughout the book.  Each page has "the letter" and then the lyrics...

Want to know our routine?
We get in the car for school and turn on the CD.  
Broxton gets his book and we start listening...
Once we are at the last light, we turn the song to the letter he is working on that week...
This week, it is C...  

Broxton loves singing the different songs and one of his favorites is the A song...
Want to know what A is for?  A is for A-Ha.
(This is the actual A page... minus the lyrics)
A- ha, A-ha... Did you do that?
No it wasn't me... Oh no it wasn't me...
This is how the song starts... and Broxton LOVES singing it over and over again... 

This book incorporates the different letters and it isn't in your basic A is for apple, B is for bird... 
It is more like A = A-Ha, D = Dream, H is about a swallow flying High...

We have even had to turn to using the book as a punishment...
He loves it so much that the other day, we had to tell him he could not listen to it, since he had been NOT listening in school.  
I know that it isn't just a cute book for Broxton and I...
Marc was actually listening to it with Broxton and he had to replay a song again, as he really enjoyed it!

I was actually going to send it in to school to let the teacher borrow it, but he loves it so much that we have to listen on the way TO school... and then again AFTER school...  After school, he can look through the book and tell me what letter he wants to hear...  I love that we are not only working on learning new words for the alphabet, but we are also learning new songs and can laugh and sing going to school each day!

If you are looking for something fun and educational, I highly recommend this book!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  


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