Draw With Your Kids - Guest Post

I am participating in a Blog Tour for Carla Sonheim's new book, The Art of Silliness.  The following is a guest post to somewhat explain what you can expect if you purchase this book.
Hi there! My name is Carla Sonheim and I am an illustrator and author of three drawing books for adult students designed to bring the "fun" back to drawing! My latest book, "The Art of Silliness," is in a workbook format and is being released by Perigee Books on November 6th!
I am primarily a teacher for adults, but I started out teaching art in my sons' elementary school classroom, so almost all of the drawing exercises in my books and classes have been "kid-tested and approved."
Drawing together can be a wonderful family activity, full of surprises and giggles. Here is a fun exercise to do together tonight:
Keep Your Eyes Closed
1. Get a pen and a piece of regular computer paper, one for each person.
2. Instruct everyone to close their eyes.
3. Now, direct everyone at the table to draw a giraffe. Remind them to think "neck," "legs," "spots," etc.
4. Just do your best (no peeking!).
5. Now, instruct the group draw a bird sitting on top of the giraffe's back (eyes still closed).
6. Finally, draw a flower garden anywhere on the paper.
7. Now everyone can open their eyes. 
8. Cute, right?
9. Repeat as often as desired, everyone taking turns thinking up two or three drawing prompts per round.
Silly, right? Have fun!
Carla Sonheim is a painter, illustrator, and creativity workshop instructor known for her fun and innovative projects and techniques designed to help adult students recover a more spontaneous, playful approach to creating. She was recently interviewed on KUOW, Seattle Public Radio about her latest book, "The Art of Silliness: A Creativity Book for Everyone." She holds online classes from her website: http://www.carlasonheim.com and lives in Seattle, WA, with her photographer husband, a game-playing teenager, and her blog.
***** I was provided a copy of The Art of Silliness for posting this guest post.  *****


  1. Haven't done it yet.. but have it put aside to make it a game time tomorrow..this is kind of cool.


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