Education, Excitement and Mail - Oh My!!!!

With Broxton loving to read, we always try to keep reading materials around.  I have books and magazines.. and now he does too! 
We were sent a complimentary review of Turtle, the magazine for ages 3-5.
I thought it was full of fun and Broxton and I enjoyed it!  There were picture finds and all sorts of activities for us to work with together, not to mention the stories to read!  We both enjoyed it and I for sure enjoyed him snuggled in my lap to flip the pages! 
If you know of a child under the age of 12, make sure you check out to see what magazine would be most well suited for your house.  This would be a great purchase.  Not only to encourage reading and thinking... but also to feel the enjoyment of having mail sent to them!!!!

Jack and Jill (ages 7-12) Ethan’s Big Hit (p.16-17): In Lorna Schultz Nicholson’s fast-paced hockey story for Jack and Jill, the well-loved children’s author creates a hilarious, compelling piece that teaches children to have a positive attitude on and off the ice. Nicholson is a Canadian author of several children’s books about sports. She also hosted, produced, and wrote all the material for her syndicated radio show, Ottawa, Family Time.
Humpty Dumpty (ages 5-7) Winter Party in the Park (p.16-17): In a poem written exclusively for Humpty Dumpty, bestselling children’s author Charles Ghigna shows readers the magic of winter. The poem teaches the importance of imagination. Ghigna—also known as “Father Goose”—has written more than 5,000 poems and 60 renowned books for Disney, Scholastic, Random House, Knopf, Hyperion, Simon & Schuster, Running Press, and Harry N. Abrams, etc.
Turtle (ages 3-5) Pinky Visits Grandma Pig (p.6-9): Turtle shares a story by Valeri Gorbachev about Pinky Pig’s adventure on a snowy day that highlights the significance of family and self-acceptance. Gorbachev is the award-winning author and illustrator of a number of popular children’s books in the United States and Europe, including Nicky and the Big, Bad Wolves and Where is the Apple Pie?
FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. Kids do love to get things in the mail. That's fun!

  2. I used to get so excited to get things in the mail, and I had a magazine subscription (that I still remember enjoying today). I am going to check Humpty Dumpty out further, it might be the perfect birthday gift for my youngest. Thanks for the info.

  3. JDaniel loves getting mail. I need to look into the Humpty Dumpty for him.

  4. These books look fun. They look like they are all off of classics to.


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