One Of A Kind #FathersDay From @PrepSportswear

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

 If you are looking to get a one of a kind Father's Day gift this year...  Look no further than Prep Sportswear.  I actually ordered a special shirt for MY dad for his Christmas gift last year.  We have an arena football team in my hometown and Prep Sportswear was who we had to order their shirts from...
So, when I had a chance to work in a review for Father's Day, I was excited as I was very pleased in ordering from them in the past.  

Prep Sportswear has clothing for pretty much everyone.

They actually have a way for you to look to see if they have a vintage team from your past (or the past of those you might purchase a gift for!)  I looked for a couple, but lets be honest here... I don't really have any "vintage" teams right now...   

I did look for our college teams and it is unfortunate that there are several schools that are not covered from Prep Sportswear.  I am sure it has something to do with the individual schools and their rules.  I was not that worried though, as I was able to make Marc an awesome shirt!!!!

Since Marc loves LSU (not a school they have)  I knew I wanted to go with a Purple and Gold scheme.  I found a collared shirt I liked, went with purple and then figured out I wanted to go with just "New Orleans, Louisiana" on it in gold.
The ordering was easy and then a bit later, it arrived in the mail.

I thought it was awesome that they even put a sticker on there saying that it was specially made.  ( I know, it is the little things!)
Marc was very surprised with the shirt and immediately had to put it on and show it off for me.  I was happy to see the excitement in his face.  When asking him his thoughts, he kept saying " I loved it!  I thought it was very comfortable."  I tell you, a man of few words !
I did like the way it fit on him... and the length was great too... Not too long, but not short either.  

So - if you are looking for a great gift idea...
Keep Prep Sportswear in mind.
They not only have sports teams that we all follow, they also have different golf courses, military shirts and even Greek!!!!
As I said... Great Gift Idea!!!!


  1. He does wear it good.
    And go LSU! :D

  2. That's a nice shirt! I love that there's a day to celebrate dads. They're pretty worth it. ;) I'm headed over to check out the website.

  3. It looks like you found the perfect Father's Day gift.

  4. Love the shirt! I'm thinking about purchasing one for my brother in law!


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