It's A Big World Out There...

Who knew that 5 years ago today my life would completely change?
I know you always hear the different things about motherhood, but one thing is for certain... and I mean it.
I thought I knew what "love" was... but not until that sweet baby boy was in my arms did I really and truly know the extent of it.  From the very first time I laid my eyes on him, touched him...  I knew that this was something special.
I believe in my heart that God gave me this sweet little boy when he did to help me out...
Marc was headed off to Afghanistan and this was my little piece of him to keep with me until his return.
Each morning brought new adventures and it sure has been so much fun.
I am one of the luckiest in the world.  God had given me the chance to stay at home and be here for all the firsts that come along... 
In the now 5 years that you have been here, we have had plenty of memories being made and I love that there is so much more ahead!!!!
Just the other day, I was saying I was so sad that my baby is growing up to be such a big boy...   Yes, I am sad... but I am so happy and proud of the sweet, kind, silly,smart and loving boy you are growing up to be!!!  Then, it happened, your little voice spoke up and said it... "I will always be your baby!"
Yes, talk about melting mama's heart!!!!

So - today, we celebrate you...
My silly little boy that knows how to have so much fun and always brings laughter!!!! 

Although you may be small standing beside this big Monster Truck...
That is how you are in life - the world is big out there baby... and Mama and Daddy are going to do all we can to help you see and do it all!!!

That face - looking at me like that...  I love it so much and hope to see that sweet expression for always and forever.  I love you to the moon and back!!!  Happy 5th birthday!!!!!


  1. Happy birthday to him. He's so gorgeous, Noelle!!

    I hope he has a wonderful day. :)

  2. I agree with you on that. I did not know what love was until I had my first child. It just came with such strength.

    Happy Birthday to your sweet love!

  3. Such a sweet post. Happy Birthday to him!!!

  4. Happy Birthday to Broxton! Hope it's awesome :)

  5. Happy Birthday!!! Isn't it sooo sad and happy at the same time!!!!???? Love the pictures!

  6. Awwwww I haven't seen him in so long. He got so big, and too cute! Happy Birthday Big Guy! Love your Post too, and I totally agree.

  7. What a cutie. He's lucky to have you as his mom.


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