I'm Going to Comic Con in #Atlanta - #WWATLCC #Giveaway

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As I have mentioned before, living in Atlanta is full of many great opportunities! In the years before Broxton, I always heard of the events - mostly after the fact, but either way, I was never able to go, since I was always working... But - now that we are able to go to things, I never really know what is going on that I want to go to the most...
Seriously, it seems like there is ALWAYS a festival, convention, exhibit or SOMETHING going on SOMEWHERE and of course, I would love to do it all...  But, we all know that finances and time just don't allow for that.  So, we have to weigh things out and see what is most likely to be the most fun for us...

I saw that Atlanta Comic Con was headed our way, but I was not really sure the details on it...
Except that it sounded pretty cool and I thought that Broxton and I would pretty much be guaranteed to have a great time...  That being said - we were given the chance to go and check it out ...
Yes!  You read that right!   I will be getting to surprise Broxton with a trip to Comic Con Atlanta!  
Between the people watching and seeing his expression... I can not wait!!!

I am just getting into the Star Wars / gaming and all of that stuff...  So, this will be an adventure for us both! I will get to share my review for you guys ( there are Comic Cons headed to Philadelphia, San Antonio, Portland and More!)  so make sure you come back to see what we thought of our experience.  Head over to check out their site to see if Comic Con is headed to you!!!!

Now to the fun part for you.....

Two winners will be (randomly) selected to win a family 4 pack of single day tickets to Comic Con.  How awesome is that?!!     Rafflecopter will select the winners... and Wizard World will issue you your tickets.  

If you aren't feeling lucky  - or if you need more tickets... 
I have a special blogger code I can give you for a discounted price.

Just head to their ticketing link

Choose either Friday or Sunday 1-day Ticket
Add to Cart & Checkout
Enter "ATLBLOG" in "Discount Code" section
(*discount code expires Saturday 5/31 at midnight*)
(*discount may not be applied to any previously purchased tickets*)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would love to win the tickets to Atlanta Comic Con! My wife really wants to go but finances don't allow out this year. I would also take my friends Deanna and Chris! Hoping I win. Thanks for the opportunity!

  2. Hello,

    This is Wizards second Atlanta Comic Con. I went to the first show in 2010 and hopefully I will be able to make it this year. I have a list of artist and celebrities i want to meet. I want this convention to be a success so that Wizard will continue to comeback year after year.

  3. I am Jonathan's wife! I would love to win tickets for the show!

  4. There are some die hard Comic Con fans if I'm not mistaken. I agree people watching at a Comic Con and seeing your son's face when he realizes his surprise would both be awesome. :)

  5. I bet you will have blast!

  6. Never in a million years could I have ever imagined wanting to get in on something like this...then God blessed me with a son who can't get enough! Would love to take him to this!!

  7. I'd love to win, I've always wanted to go to one of these!

  8. I'd love to win, I've always wanted to go to ComicCon!

  9. I would love to go,never have been. :-)

  10. What a cool giveaway! I'd love tickets!

  11. The people-watching is top notch! Would love to go

  12. How fun! I'm not entering because we're not near Atlanta, but it sounds like a great time! Let us know how it is!

  13. Just curious, if we do win how will we be contacted? :D


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