Head to @NorthPointMall to enjoy the #AdventureToSanta

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Time to get the clothes ready, the camera charged and your energy saved up... 
Why?  Just because the holidays are here!   October rushed by and Halloween came and went super fast.  Poor ol' Thanksgiving seems to get the shaft, as it goes from Halloween to Christmas before you know it.  Some stores almost seem to bypass Halloween too!  Anyways, a bit ago, we were invited out to Northpoint Mall to check out the Adventure to Santa Experience.  Let me tell you, an experience it is!!!!
I was thinking it was going to be like the other mall Santa's where you see Santa, but with a little extra, you know... the whole ADVENTURE. What I did not know was that it wasn't just a LITTLE one, it was a full out journey!!!!  
I don't want to ruin it all for you, so I am not going to go into every single detail with you... But let me at least tell you a little about it. 

First of all, Broxton had been sick off and on for a whole week, but he begged to go. Miraculously feeling better to go!  I knew he wasn't but he was trying so hard.  He slept on the way there and once we got in the car coming home, but let me tell you... he did act like he felt better while we were there.  Maybe the Magic of Christmas was that powerful!  

The "Adventure to Santa" location at North Point Mall.  It really is a journey that will take you to see Santa at the North Pole!!!!   

When you arrive, you see the sign welcoming you to your adventure.  It is in collaboration with DreamWorks (and Shrek) so you get to see the Shrek movie characters!   

They have a family photo staging area if you are interested in documenting that you were on the journey as well!  We took the picture, but when I saw just how SICK I LOOKED, I passed on that copy with the quickness!   No need to worry, they offer you the photos to look at, but they do not pressure you at all to purchase them.  

Once your journey starts, they do ask you to not take any photos, as it scares the elves and we don't want to do that. Also, it really does take away from the magical trip if you are trying to photograph it, so just sit back, relax and enjoy!  

Here is information from their press release:
The magical journey of Adventure to Santa starts with Shrek, ends with Santa, and features a 2,000-square-foot immersive experience tobe enjoyed by family members of all ages. New features this year include two new app games, Sleigh Flight School and Gingy’s Cookie Maker and three additional exterior skins, the Painted Lady, Candy Cottage and Enchanted Log Cabin.  At the top of the hour, the cottage will perform a newly designed light show that cues a different exterior skin for each hour.

Following a fantastic national launch during the 2014 holiday season, DreamPlace is back to turn the traditional mall holiday visit into something truly special with an immersive, interactive approach that draws on our signature brand of technology, storytelling and of course, humor,” said DreamWorks Animation’s Head of Retail Development Paul Kurzawa. "Shrek and his friends are here to bring the holidays to life with an unparalleled experience which fans will absolutely love.”

North Point Mall is located at 1000 North Point Circle, Alpharetta, GA 30022.  
For more information, visit www.northpointmall.com or call 770-740-9273.  
Follow North Point on Facebook.

Let me know if you go!  You will Love it, we sure did!!!


  1. That does look like fun. Have you ever taken Broxton to see the Stone Mountain shops? I heard they are great to go to this time of year as well.


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