@PaulMitchellUS is helping others give! See how you can too with #GivingIsMyStyle

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Want me to let you in on a little secret??
I have not had a hair cut / style in I do not know how long.  I know it was before I knew I was having Savannah, but I do not know exactly when it was.  Most days, my hair just gets thrown back in a pony tail, but at times I do flatten it or at least try to do something to it.  I have been lucky to have been sent the Tea Tree Collection from Paul Mitchell and let me tell you, it is like a special treat for this new mama!   The scent, the feel, amazing!   I know I said I don't do anything with my hair, but you want to know why I try and take care of it?  I grow it out and donate it.  To me, it is just hair... To others it is so much more.  That is one way I try and give back, by giving my hair to those that for some reason or another no longer have the hair they once did. ( I have recently learned of a new company that I am doing research on to see if they might be the ones that gets this next batch of hair!)
Okay, so I have shared how I give...  Now let me tell you how Marc and Broxton are giving this year.   The last couple weeks have had at least one person in the house sick.  That means that we have had time to go through closets and toys...  I was excited when Marc went through and pulled out tons of long sleeved shirts, sweatshirts, pullover type jackets and more.  The great thing?  I had just seen a tweet from the local homeless shelter looking for such items!   I know it is a small thing, but it is one way to give to those that are in need this holiday season, add to it that it is a great way to lead by example to our son!  Broxton went through and donated toys that he no longer plays with and that will also be going to one of the shelters for the kids to play with.  I know it is the holidays and more people seem to give, or at least it is brought to the attention of others more frequently at this time of the year...   So let me know... What do you do to give???  (Make sure to keep reading to see how you can give in more than one way, thanks to Paul Mitchell!) 
Check this out:
Paul Mitchell is celebrating their commitment to live beautifully by giving. Whether that means taking steps toward sustainability, helping families in need or supporting underserved kids, Paul Mitchell believes in doing good for people, animals and our planet.
The call to action is compelling: Simply including #GivingIsMyStyle in an Instagram and/or Twitter post can make a difference--Include  #GivingIsMyStyle 100 times and $100 gets donated, 1,000 times and $1,000 gets donated, etc, etc!

Bright Pink: Bright Pink is the only national non-profit organization that focuses on the prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer in young women. We are proud to support their mission to educate, equip and empower women of all ages to be proactive with their health. @BeBrightPink
Waterkeeper Foundation: For more than 10 years, Paul Mitchell has supported Waterkeeper Alliance in their mission to protect rivers, streams, coastlines and other major waterways around the world.@Waterkeeper
Morris Animal Foundation: Morris Animal Foundation is a global leader in supporting scientific research that advances veterinary medicine. We're proud to support the organization's commitment to improving the health and quality of life for dogs, cats, horses and wildlife around the world.@Morris_Animal
Grow Appalachia: In 2010, Paul Mitchell co-founder John Paul DeJoria teamed up with Berea College to establish Grow Appalachia, a non-profit initiative that helps Appalachian families plant a healthy future. Over the last few years, the organization has produced more than 1.1 million pounds of healthy, organic food for thousands of people in five states. @GrowAppalachia
Boys & Girls Club: Paul Mitchell co-founder John Paul DeJoria grew up in an underserved Los Angeles community. During his youth, the local Boys & Girls Club provided a safe place for him to socialize, learn and grow. Today, our company is proud to give back to the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and their efforts to create great futures for young people.@BGCA_Clubs
Reforest'Action: Paul Mitchell Tea Tree proudly supports Reforest'Action, an environmental organization that plants trees worldwide, in the areas where they're needed most. Join The Green Takeover and help us plant 500,000 trees by 2016.


  1. I want to see a picture of your hair. I have a problem with my hair, it gets to a certain length and stops growing. Longer I like it straightened, shorter I like it to flip in whatever natural direction it wants to go.

  2. I love Paul Mitchell products! My cousin has been a hairdresser for years and it's all she uses :-) Great post!



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