Kung Fu Panda Activities #PandaInsiders

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Relive the awesomeness of everyone’s favorite martial arts- loving panda and the Furious Five in Kung Fu Panda and Kung Fu Panda 2. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment will release the two films with new extras on Digital HD December 15 and Blu-rayTM and DVD January 5 with a bonus disc of new content.

In DreamWorks’ Kung Fu Panda, Jack Black is perfect as the voice of Po, a noodle- slurping dreamer who must embrace his true self – fuzzy flaws and all – in order to become the Dragon Warrior. With groundbreaking animation and high-kicking humor, the Oscar-nominated Kung Fu Panda is delightful entertainment for the whole family.

Black reprises his role as Po in Kung Fu Panda 2, the fiercely funny Academy Award- nominated sequel. In his biggest challenge since becoming the Dragon Warrior, Po must lead his friends and fellow kung fu masters, The Furious Five, on a mission of epic proportions to defeat his most threatening rival yet! 

The re-release of these films will include exciting new bonus features for the whole family to enjoy, including an all-new 22 minute animated adventure, “Secret of the Scroll,” and an exclusive sneak peek of DreamWorks Animation Kung Fu Panda 3.

As with all the activities I share on here, make sure to click on the image to enlarge.
In excitement for the re-release of Kung Fu Panda 1 & 2 - I get to share a couple fun activities with you!  Make sure you keep an eye out, I will be posting a giveaway for one lucky reader to win a DVD copy for themselves!   Stay Tuned! 

What activity of these provided do you and your family enjoy?


  1. My boys would like the maze! I love Kung Fu Panda!

  2. Everybody was Kung Fu FIiiiiiiiiiiiiight-ing. :) My son would love the maze too. He thinks if you do them backwards you cannot get stumped. ;)

  3. Our kids would enjoy the Count with Po activity! Looks like fun!

  4. Very cute ideas. This would make for a fun rainny day and watch the movies.

  5. I am sure my son would enjoy the game "Count with Po"! It looks super cute and fun to play with!
    Thank You for sharing :)

    Fiona N


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