150th Anniversary #BeatrixPotter

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Having a little girl, we are excitedly getting to add a whole new wave of books to our library. Recently, I was contacted about looking at a book celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the birth of a much loved author, Beatrix Potter. (Most known for Peter Rabbit, but goodness, she had many other books as well!)  I was excited to add this one to our library because of it being Beatrix Potter, but once the book arrived, I was excited because it was a bit different from others.  
Savannah laying down after I read the book to her. 

Perfect for gift giving, it has a place to do a book dedication.

I loved how the illustrations reminded me more of watercolors than classic illustrated children's books.  Each page was like this, but I wanted to show you the opening spread of the book.  

In Beatrix Potter and the Unfortunate Tale of a Borrowed Guinea Pig, we stat the book with a "Dear Reader" where the author explains the opening of the story.  As each page is turned, we learn the history of Beatrix Potter... how she lived with her parents and her little brother.  How she had a love of animals, but not always had the best outcome with how they lived their life.  She loved the animals and spending time with them, but she loved painting them most of all!  You will need to get the book to see what happens, but let's just say that she ends up borrowing a guinea pig from her neighbor to draw and it did not have a "happily ever after ending."  The book ends up signed to you from the author and a great added touch is that the end of the book has author notes telling you more about Beatrix Potter.  We have really enjoyed it and are happy that we are able to add it to our library!

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  1. I remember seeing this illustrator's work in some books when I was little. I loved it then, and love it now.


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