Prepare for Life on Mars!!! #MarsDay

I don't know about the kids in your house, but around here, our likes and dislikes tend to change from one thing to the next, while others stay around forever.  The latest?  Broxton has really been into space, talking about the planets and the moon all the time.  I was thrilled when we were selected to be sent a copy of the National Geographic Mars t.v. series.  Except, when it arrived, I was informed "mom, you know I am not into SPACE stuff these days!"  Well, excuse me, you were (as of last week,) so I thought it was cool.  I ignored him no-longer having an interest and started the Blu-Ray for me to watch.
FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation

As I started watching, I was tempted to turn it off.  Hey, I am just being real with you guys.  It was sort of over my head and I was having a hard time getting into it.  Space is NOT my thing, so I think that was it.  I kept watching though and soon enough, I noticed Broxton stopped playing his Wii and was watching the show.  Marc stopped what he was doing and was watching the show.  It was neat to me how it pulled us all together to sit and watch.  I will admit, I started getting into it, as I wanted to know what was going to happen next.
Here are our thoughts:
Broxton liked it, since he decided that space was his thing still.
I liked the fictional part of it, since it makes me want to know what happens next.
Marc likes that it goes back and forth, historical references and facts, then you have the mixed in fictional story.  (It jumps from 2016 to 2033 throughout each episode.)
I think we all liked how it makes you think.
Would you go on a mission knowing you might not make it to complete the mission, much less return home?
What would you pack to survive out there?
How do they know how much oxygen to pack for each person?
We wanted to know how they slept in space, so we had to google that. They can strap down sleeping bags, if you wanted to know!

We have yet to finish it, but we are planning to watch more episodes AS A FAMILY each night to see them all.  Make sure you check it out, I am sure you will enjoy it too. (Even if space isn't your thing!) This series is available now to purchase!


  1. This looks like an interesting watch. I could see my whole family enjoying it.

  2. The weather would be the biggest obstacle for me. I can do without the technology and television, but I can't tolerate 100 degrees below zero. I would probably still go.

  3. I would be up for the mission to Mars if I could take my dog with me. Why not do it?!

  4. I would! I think that it would be fascinating!

  5. I think that this would be so cool! I would go!

  6. I would not be up to go to a Mission to Mars. I think it would make me motion sick. Thanks for the giveaway. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

  7. I would not be ready to go to Mars, I want to see my kids grow up I do not believe I could be away from them.

  8. I would not be up for a year long mission to Mars. I am not that brave!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  9. Sounds like it would be interesting to watch.
    I would not be up for the mission to go to Mars for a year. I'd miss my family way too much.

  10. Yeah, it's good to take a break for a year and I do like to travel.

  11. I would not be ready to go to Mars because i couldnt leave my children


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