Christmas Books for the Times We Are In #Review #ChristmasCoundown #RaisingAReader

 As the holidays get closer, time seems to get busier.  Let us all take time to enjoy each other.  Time is to short to waste it always rushing.  Grab a book and snuggle up with the ones you love. Here are a couple that you can add to your list this year.  (Or even wrap to put in the Christmas Countdown pile!) 

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Florida mom-of-two Shannon Q. McDonald wanted to find a way to tell her kids about face masks in kid-friendly language while also making them laugh at the same time. Her new full-color children’s picture book for kids ages 2-6 years old describes and illustrates the different styles of masks, characters that wear them, when you can wear them, and interesting ways to use them. Colorful and funny illustrations bring the book to life and will have kids giggling on the floor. Remember to Smile proudly supports the COVID-19 Relief Fund (for Teachers and Students) through the non-profit organization Visit to learn more.

The holidays are typically a season of unbridled merriment and joy. However, this year’s celebrations are going to look a bit different. Recognizing the challenges this year’s holiday season will bring, New Jersey mom A.H. Edelman was inspired to write Santa in a Snow Globe, the first illustrated children’s book to offer parents, caregivers, and children a starting point to talk about life’s new realities—explained straightforwardly by Santa—complete with timeless advice, beautiful inclusive illustrations, and a big dose of Christmas cheer. Going beyond mask-wearing and social distancing, Santa in a Snow Globe also touches on issues the world is facing today, including climate change and protests. However, Edelman’s Santa still shares a positive message of hope and the importance of appreciating the simpler things in life.

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