Mrs. Selfe's Zoo School of Art #Review

 A cute book with a great message, that is what Mrs. Selfe's Zo School of Art is!  As we meet each character of the book, we see that they are struggling with finding the best way to express themselves.  Thankfully, Mrs. Selfe is there to help show each one the best way to succeed!   This is a great read to enjoy at home, or share with friends!  

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Author Shoshonna Shoap believes there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to achieving academic success. Inspired by the children she serves, whom she affectionately dubs “little warriors,” Shoap says, “Most children will struggle before mastering a new concept, and for children with special needs, achieving success can be incredibly challenging within a traditional school environment.”

In Mrs. Selfe’s Zoo School of Art, an art teacher takes a unique approach to helping her students overcome their personal hurdles through a tailored program in which each child discovers and employs tactics that work best for them. By boosting her students’ self-esteem and confidence, Mrs. Selfe allows each child to develop the necessary problem solving skills to achieve their respective goals.

 “Helping every child find their own method of success should be of paramount importance to educators,” Shoap says. “By harnessing the power of their own strategies, children discover they have the power to accomplish anything.” Mrs. Selfe’s Zoo School of Art is available for purchase online at Amazon.



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