Label it with @MabelsLabels #Review

 Small kids are not the best at keeping up with things... The same could be same for big kids too, but for this, I am talking about my small one!  Savannah has left her jacket at school I don't know how many times... and let me not forget the water bottle!   Lucky for us, we have Mabel's Labels to help us know what is hers!  

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Like I said, she has returned home from school many times missing something.  I can't say anything, because Broxton was the same way.  Still is, if I am telling the truth. I learned years ago that Labeling items worked great for us.  The thing with Mabel's Labels is they last.  I don't have to go writing in sharpie and then never being able to pass along items...  I just use a Mabel's Label and then when we don't need it anymore, peel the label and keep on going.  They have labels for clothes, shoes, bags and more!  (They also do return address labels and other items, just head on over to Mabel's Labels to see just what all is calling YOUR name!) 
The awesome thing is that we can customize it to be just what they want to help make it be "theirs."

We can pick the particular font that makes them happy.
Then, you can pick the design.  Of course my girl is about unicorns and rainbows... they have them!
American Flag?  Yep!  Soccer Ball - of course!  They even have a game controller!  HELLO!!!!!

Make sure to check out Mabel's Labels... it is good for them and great for you!  


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