Disney Road Rally DVD - Review

I have always loved Mickey Mouse...
That was yet another reason that I wanted Broxton to get to go to Disney when Marc got home.
We watch the Disney Channel from time to time and I really like when Broxton gets to watch Clubhouse Mickey.

Miska, Mooska, MICKEY MOUSE!!!!

Luckily for us, we were able to review the newest DVD to come out!
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Rally.
Now, I am not one to sit Broxton in front of a TV for hours at a time, but with this movie...
He gets to see Mickey and the gang...
They even have songs and stuff like that, so of course Broxton LOVES it..
As soon as music comes on, he IMMEDIATELY has to dance!
(Not to mention the song is cute...
M-I-C-K-E-Y... Mouse...
Broxton loves dancing to it!

We have watched the movie a couple times at home, but right now...
We have my dads car, (with a DVD player in it) So, Mickey and the crew come along to make the trips a bit more enjoyable!

This movie is super cute (it even has Chip and Dale in it!)
Mickey and friends decide to have a Road Rally and race all over...
Many obstacles and different terrains have them facing many different challenges!
But, with the help of each other, they find all the Mickey Markers and have a great time while doing so!!!!
Tootles even joins in on the fun!!!!

Besides being a cute movie, they have also included a few bonus features for you to enjoy...
One is a never seen bonus episode and the other is an interactive play feature...
We have not taken advantage of either yet, but I know kids will love it!
Hello, it is Mickey!!!!

Looking for a cute gift?
Look for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Rally! (It just came out on DVD!)

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. Great review girlfriend! I totally love Mickey and so does my daughter! Her & her hubby & son have been going to Disney once a year since they've been married! My grandson totally loves Mickey too! Guess I know what DVD to get them for Christmas! AUGH CHRISTMAS????? OH yeah it is right around the corner isn't it? Hope you join our meme tomorrow "Monday's Music Moves Me" This week theme is about water. Any song about water or has the word water in it! See ya!

  2. Thank you for this review. I did not even know this was available and my kiddos love Mickey.


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