Temple Touch Premium Thermometer - Review

Broxton was not feeling well last week and felt like he was running a fever.
Luckily for us, we were recently sent a Temple Touch Premium Thermometer for review!
I grabbed it to see if he was warm or if he really had a fever.
(He did, 101.2)

Let me just tell you about this thermometer.
It is SUPER easy to use!
You just press the power button...
and about half a second later, it is ready to go.
Seriously, you turn it on, it beeps so you know it is ready... you press it to their skin... wait for the beeps (about 6 seconds) and it tells you their temperature.

The thermometer even keeps track of what the last temperature taken was....
Did I mention that you pick to either take the temperature under their arm or on the temple.
It even has a little icon to tell you if it is set for their underarm or temple.

I tried to put it on Broxton's temple, but he had been laying on me pretty much the whole time, so I knew my body heat would be picked up..
I decided to go with the underarm.
The thermometer took his temperature in just a few seconds!
It gives a small beeping sound...
Enough so that you know it is finished taking the temperature, but not loud enough to disturb them if you take it while they are sleeping...

The numbers are large enough that anyone can read it... and it is small enough to not be a big and bulky thermometer.
I also liked that it even records the room temperature as well! Think about it, you do not want it too hot or too cold, this will make sure it is just right!

These thermometers are sold in stores as well as online.
Just look to see where you can go pick one up!
With winter getting closer and closer, you should go ahead and be prepared!
This is great because it is not just for babies, or just for adults...
any and every single person can use it!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. I think this is really awesome, especially how fast it takes the temperature. Nothing sucks more than holding that stupid pokey metal under your tongue awkwardly for 2 minutes. Ugh.

  2. These are great. My youngest had meningitis. Without one of these...well It would of made everything worse then it already was.

  3. This sounds great! I should buy this for my daughter because she hates holding the thermometer under her tongue. She's always so out of it and doesn't want to hold it there or can't breathe and keeps opening her mouth!

  4. 6 seconds would work! Our current one feels like it takes forever, and even a sick, sleepy kids finds a way to wiggle and squirm to get out of the way. I like how fast this one works. It would make things much easier.

  5. My sister recently got one of these and it works so much better than under the tongue or arm! Super fast too!


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