Terro Ant Bait - Review & Giveaway

Do you have a problem with Ants at your place?
We had a ton of them out on our sidewalk...
Not sure where they came from ( I did not see any food.)
Thank goodness for us, they disappeared as fast as they arrived!

I mean, I am all about visitors for the holidays...
But please, give me a little warning and not to be mean, but I would prefer humans to ants!
I was sent Terro Ant bait to review and I was excited to use it and get rid of them as quickly as they showed up...
But, they were gone before the ant bait was delivered.
You better believe it, we are prepared now! :)

I was sent the Indoor Ant Bait system.
With this, the bait system slowly kills the ant...
Why slowly? So that the ant has time to take the killing solution back to the other ants!
:) Great idea!!!!
The Ant Bait is made from Borax, making it safe for use in houses with children and pets... but does not have a good final outcome for ants! Talk about a major PLUS for our house!!!!

We were also sent the Outdoor Ant Killer.
Now, I like the way they packaged this one!
It comes in a "shaker bag" therefor eliminating the need for a separate spreader!
You just shake this bag around the house, setting up a barrier, and then close the bag!
Yes, it comes in a resealable bag!

Terro recommends this together in a two step process for maximum results...
and guess what?!

They are offering one lucky reader a chance to win both!!!!

Mandatory Entry -
Let me know any "old wives tales" remedies you have used or heard of...
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Contest will end November 26 at midnight.
Contest for US residents, 18 and older.
Random.org will select the winner. Winner will have 72 hours to respond to winning email or a new winner will be selected.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. We had ants around the house, but I heard they like wet, moist places so we fixed our old drains. Guess what? Ants went away.
    arobimom at gmail dot com

  2. Raid is supposed to actually work. Too bad I wasted so much money on that stuff. Ants go right by it. Seems like anything that isnt exposed enough doesn't get the attentions of the ants. Terro works, but 2 weeks later, they came back. Set out another set, and got them. Seems like if it rains, ants come in. franklin2010web(at)aim {dot}com

  3. You know I need this. I have heard that if you hop one foot and put your fingers in your ears you can get rid of hiccups.

  4. I heard putting out some cornmeal will kill them because they can't digest it. We tried it, and as far as I could tell they loved it.

  5. I entered the alouette & chavre cheese giveaway.

  6. I entered the reach & rembrandt giveaway.

  7. i have heard if you put a raw onion in a room it will suck up all the germs in the room not sure if it works or not but my mom does it

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  13. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsNovember 22, 2010 at 4:29 AM

    The Gardening book said sugar ants will never go across crushed peppermint so I sacrificed my crushed candy cane to test and they all rushed to it like cattle to water. Guess the Old Wives were telling tales.

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  14. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsNovember 22, 2010 at 4:34 AM

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  21. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsNovember 22, 2010 at 4:40 AM

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  22. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsNovember 22, 2010 at 4:41 AM

    entered Noxicare giveaway

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  23. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsNovember 22, 2010 at 4:42 AM

    entered Tillamook giveaway

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  24. madwoman-doing-cartwheelsNovember 22, 2010 at 4:43 AM

    entered Invites Now giveaway

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  25. Ants find the smell of cinnamon repugnant and they will relocate their hill to get away from the smell.


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  30. I heard about making a line of pepper on the floor along baseboards will get rid of ants

    wombatpurple at yahoo dot com

  31. I don't know any old wive's tales about getting rid of ants...that's probably why I could use this, lol!

  32. I have heard to put a line of cinnamon where the ants are coming in and they won't cross it!

    septemberbaby10 at gmail dot com

  33. We used borax and baby powder and it did work!

    But I've found the indoor ant baits by Terro work MUCH better (and easier). :)

    THANKS! tripsma at gmail dot com

  34. i heard dish soap plus water make them die if squirted on them


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