100 Things Guys Need to Know - Book Review

If you have a house full of boys like I do, this is a great book to have.
It seems as though books of the "self help" kind are always for or about girls...
I guess people think that guys don't need advice?
Not really sure about that...

But, Free Spirit Publishing has you covered.
I reviewed 100 Things Guys Need To Know and I think it is a great book.
Guys need to know that there are resources available...
and that there are people there to help them.
Even if it is just someone to listen.

I like this book for several reasons.
First of all, the size of it.
It is taller than most books, it is more like a notebook size.
Actually, they could stack it with their notebooks and it would fit perfect!

Another thing I like is that it has different blocks of information.
Kind of breaks it down more for easier reading.
Also, there are illustrations throughout the entire book.
Besides the random illustrations, they also have 2 page spreads of GUY COMIX every so often.

Yes, there are 100 things guys need to know in here...
But it is also broken down into sections.

You have :
Body & Mind

It says that this book is for
Reading Level - Grade 6 and up
Interest Level - Ages 9 - 13

I think that this would be perfect to have for guys groups and for any boys in your life!
They do not have to read it all at once, but it will always be easily accessible!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. There isn't a book large enough to cover all the things guys need to know. Once they get married it's all over!
    arobimom at gmail dot com


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