Life Lists for Teens - Book Review

I sure wish something like this would have been around when I was growing up!
Too bad I did not know about Free Spirit Publishing back in my days!

I was able to review Life Lists for Teens and I really think that this is great for ALL teens.
So many pieces of advice!

This book has 244 pages full of all types of information.

If you open to look at the Table of Contents, you can see a break down of the different topics.
Health and Wellness
Getting Along
Staying Safe
School and Learning
Going Online
Planning Ahead
Saving the World
Focus on You
Just for Fun

The title for the book is perfect, as it even LISTS ways that lists can help you.
Besides that, it LISTS ways that you can use this book.
Finally, it LISTS things to keep in mind when reading this book!

I absolutely LOVE how the book starts off by listing the 12 serious reasons to laugh!
I mean, laughter is wonderful and this book helps explain it!
the 12th reason...

Another section I like?
Maria Rodale's 5 things that really matter:

It even helps deal with a wide range if issues.

This book deals with family, friends and relationships.

I really like that is lists what other teens want you to know about teen pregnancy.
As well as, things to ask yourself before you run away.

Instead of "its this way" because I said so...
It is more of "here are a few options to consider.

Although this book says it is for Teens.
I am keeping it at the house.
That way, the boys can read it...
But, I can also have it handy for any situations that may come my way...
You know, advice to give one of my friends that has teens...
Or for us.

Thanks Free Spirit Publishing for yet ANOTHER great book!
Order one for your house...
Or to donate to a library...
Or even to give to a teenager you know!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


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