Aloha Friday - #64

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday. In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too.

My question:

Do you have a pet? If so, what is it?

My answer:

No, we do not have a pet... Yet.
I would like for us to get a dog ONCE WE GET A HOUSE.

Have a great weekend!


  1. I have a doggy who is my baby. My son has a cat.

  2. We have a gorgeous 13 year old calico cat who is a pain in the behind! hehe
    I suppose I'm just a cranky old bag but I'm tired of the cat hair and litter box. I think she deserves better than me.

  3. Hi! How ya been? Our Cleo died a few years ago. She was a black lab who was 17 yrs. old & to sick to go on any more. We both cried when we had to put her down, BUT GOOD NEWS! Dave said we can get another dog. We wanted to get her from a shelter, but it's pretty expensive to adopt from there. A friend of ours new of these people that needed to get rid of a black lab 7 yrs. old. She looks just like our Cleo too! We're going to go meet her this Wednesday and I can't wait! WOO HOO!

  4. We have cat is 17 years old. She is mine from way before my family. Our dog is 12 years old, our first baby.

  5. I don't think my first comment took.

    We have a 17 year old cat that was mine before hubby and kids came along. Our dog is 12...our first baby!

  6. We only have stuffed pets at our house. With JDaniel's allergies we will have to wait and see if he is allergic to any types of pets.

  7. Right now our only pet is a goldfish. Well, unless you count the dust bunnies. ;)

  8. We have a dog - an airedale terrier named Emma.

  9. We have a very small house. Thanks to my allergies we could only have a bird. For now the boys enjoy seeing the Cockatoo and fish at Nana and Papa's house all the time.

  10. Yes, we do have 'a' pet... We have 2 dogs, a cat, a dove, and hubby has a King snake. Oh, and Princess Nagger has a fighting fish, and we have fish in the pond. :)

    Aloha: Shopping

  11. What a cute story on how you named your blog. Funny how the silliest things our kids do can be inspiring :)

    At this time, I don't have any pets but I miss my border collie so much. She lived to be 14 and passed away in 2003. Before that, we had a dog named Kharma, cross between a lab and white husky. She lived to be 13. Our dogs stay long term so not ready to add another to our pack just yet just yet.

    Happy Friday to you!

  12. We don't have a pet yet!
    If we will have a pet, i would like it to be a fish or a bird.

  13. We don't have any yet.

    Sometimes I want a dog, but I don't like the idea of animals on my couch and bed and walking around in my home etc, so it's iffy.

    Then dh is a cat person and I'm a dog person and the kids haven't yet decided, so it's somewhere on the table :)


  14. Ditto, we don't have a pet but would love a dog someday once we're in a house. Though to be honest, we don't really live a pet friendly lifestyle so that would have to change also.

  15. We have two dogs and a bunch of fish.

    Have a great Friday!

  16. Kinda - right now my cat lives with my in-laws so we don't have to pay for her in our apartment.


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