Flipped - DVD Review

Let me tell you about the movie, Flipped.
This movie was directed by Rob Reiner, he also directed The Bucket List and Stand By Me...
Flipped is the story of tow kids who basically grow up together, but really do not even know one another.
Bryce and his family move to the neighborhood when he is just in second grade...
The day they move in, he meets Juli, the girl that lives across the street.
Julie KNOWS it is love, right then and there... but Bryce tries hard to make sure it isn't.
(Typical boy!)
Through the years, they grow up and the movie follows them through junior high.
Juli is a very smart and independent young lady who lets nothing change who she is, yet Bryce falls victim to peer pressure, even if it is at the expense of hurting Juli's feelings.
Marc liked the music that was played throughout the movie.
The movie was portrayed to have taken place in the 1960's.
(Yes, he likes the older music!)
The one thing that Marc did not like was how the movie was from 2 standpoints...
You would see the movie and then it would replay pieces with Juli narrating her view of it all... As well as parts with Bryce and his stand point.
Marc thought it would have been better not to have gone back and forth like that...
Marc thought it would have been better not to have gone back and forth like that...
It really did not bother me like some movies do.
I guess I really did not even notice it until he brought it up.
I liked how it brought each of their opinions into the same situation...
Kind of explaining how every side has two stories.
Kind of explaining how every side has two stories.
This was a sweet movie that I think would be great for people of all ages.
You do not have to worry about it showing images or having language that younger kids do not need to see.
Now, I did not like how Bryce's dad was... but that was a bit to be expected, he was just very unhappy in his life.
Juli's family was FULL of love and compassion and I loved that!
Juli's family was FULL of love and compassion and I loved that!
Just goes to show how different people can be and how you might not really even know one another!
I liked it and to be honest, I would like to see another like this!
FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation
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