Wholly Guacamole - Tastes So Good

So, I have seen Wholly Guacamole on several blogs...
Man, I did not know what I was missing!

I was recently fortunate enough to be able to try several food items from their line...

Let me first say that I thought they only specialized in guacamole...
Also, let me tell you about a little secret.
I just tried guacamole for the first time a couple months ago.
I just thought it looked nasty, so I was NOT about to try it.
My mistake!

This is some good stuff!

Wholly Guacamole sent me a nice variety to try...
First was their Salsa.
It was nice!
Full of flavor.
Not all runny, but not so chunky either!
Just right!
They also have a Garden Fresca Salsa that has been calling my name!
Will have to try that one really soon!
Then, it was time for their queso.
Marc and I love (Okay, Broxton REALLY loves it) queso dip.
We always get it at the local Mexican Place...
Now, we do not have to go out to eat to enjoy, we can pick some up at the store and have it here whenever we want it!
Last was their guacamole.
They sent us the classic and the spicy.
( I am saving the spicy for when the boys get here... I don't do spicy!)
But the classic was really good.
Just wish I would have thought about using it for sandwiches!
I read that you can use it in place of mayo on your sandwich and to me, that sounds like a great change!
I want to try the Pico De Gallo Style Guacamole on a sandwich!
(Doesn't that sound so good?!)

Now, I do not know if we will have Mexican night when the boys are here (Marc isn't really that big of a Mexican fan... )
But, I do know that we will have Queso/Salsa/Guacamole at some point!
It is too good not to let the boys have a taste!

Follow them on Facebook for different promotions!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. That's a lot of Mexican flavored goodness, and it all sounds delicious!

  2. Yum. We've had the salsa and enjoyed it, but not the queso. (No guac, either, because I'm allergic!)


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