Ballad of The Rag Man - Review

With all the bullying going on around us these days...
This is a perfect book to read with your child.
I was able to review, Ballad of The Rag Man by Cynthia Gustavson.

This book teaches all of us a very simple lesson.
Do not judge a book by its cover.
How can a book teach us that?

The Ballad of The Rag Man is about a rag man that travels all over town.
Picking up what others have deemed as trash.
Just what does he do with what everyone no longer wants or needs?
He puts them in his cart as he goes all over.
Once he returns home, there are piles of others items that they no longer thought were of any value to them.
The other character in the book is a little girl that gets rid of her teddy bear.
Her well loved and rather worn out teddy bear.
The Rag Man picks it up in his daily excursion.
Of course, curiosity gets the best of the little girl, she has to know...
So, she sneaks to see what he is doing.

Judging him on outer appearances, she is a bit put off..
But once she follows, she sees that the Rag Man takes the "worthless" items and mends them to lovable condition!
Now, if this is not a story that we need to share with our kids...

Remember, we are the ones that teach them good from bad..
Right from wrong.
If we can help them to know that you should not judge based on outer appearances...
Then, we are making one step towards the end of bullying and peer pressure.

The illustration is something else!
I love it!
It is abstract at times, but then also looks as though a few have actual photos in the art work.
Quite honestly, I have never seen a children's book like this!
Thinking outside the stereotypical artistry in my opinion.
Given the storyline, it works amazingly well!

How cool is this?
You can click HERE to learn about the RAG MAN PROJECT.

Also, click here to follow on facebook.
Cynthia Gustavson posts daily tidbits...
I just wish I had started following her sooner!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. This sounds like it is filled with wonderful lessons as well as pictures.

  2. Thanks for the review. Bullying is something I think about a lot considering kids with Jack's issues are normally targets for bullying. I'll have to check this book out!

  3. That sounds like a great story!

  4. This looks like a great book! I love the lesson it provides, and that it includes a unique art perspective! Definitely adding this to my kids book list!


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