Where In The World....@theellenshow Is Just One

Back before I was married and a mommy, I traveled.
It was fun, but being where I am at now, I would not trade it for anything in the world...

Participating in Wordless/Wordful Wednesday, I have seen a couple pretty cool things that I have added to my "want to see that " list....

Have you ever seen a "SHOE TREE" before?  
I thought it was just a crazy thing that a W/W person came upon, but then I googled it and shut your face... it is an actual thing that is in a couple different places.. 
Basically it is a tree that people have put shoes all over... 

Now, that might not sound that neat to you, but I would love to see it..
Truth be told, if I didn't think people up here would steal them, I would totally try and start one on my own...

(Actually, I am thinking about working on starting one somewhere else... True Story.)

Then, today, my friend Alissa posted pics of them in Chicago...

(One commenter called it " the bean" so I don't know.. maybe that is what it is called... )  
Well, I have seen it in photos before.. and yep, I want to go there as well...

I would love to go to Fenway Park and Yankee Stadium.

I still want to see Carhenge...  Guess if I ever go to Nebraska, I will have to add that to my list....

I would love to drive the coast and see all the lighthouses... 
You know, start in Florida and go all the way up to Maine... 

Even taking a bit of extra time in Maine to take it all in.

I would have loved to have seen the Old Man of the Mountain in New Hampshire, but since it is no longer there, I will not be able to do so..

There is also that little boy that started his own arcade... Caine's Arcade... 
Please tell me you have heard of it, if not.. PLEASE go visit the website and check it out...

If you know me at all, you know that I just love Ellen Degeneres.  
When Marc was deployed, her show came on at 9 and then again at 10 am Monday - Friday...
I would watch at 9 (and normally again at 10)  If I was able to talk to Marc that time, I would have the skype camera on the television so he could see her as well.

Heck, Broxton fell in love with her from the start and remember when the saints won the superbowl and Ellen had the band come out playing "when the saints go marching in"  Yeah, Broxton was dancing up a storm to that one... and yes, Marc being from there, we had to show daddy.... again and again and again... 
So... that whole paragraph leads to the fact that I would LOVE to go to a taping of the ellen show.
Yeah, it would be awesome to be there for one of her giveaway days...but honestly, just the chance to go to a taping would be pretty stinking cool!!!!!!!!!

Speaking of Ellen.. and her pride in New Orleans.. 
It would be cool to take Marc and the boys to New Orleans... They have not all been there before and I know Marc wants to show them around his area... and of course, take them to an LSU game at Tiger Stadium...

So... that is the start to my Where in the World List... 
I know there is more I want to add, but I just can not think of them....

Where in the World would YOU like to go?  
Let me know, I might need to add it to my list!!!!!!!!!!!


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