Christmas Shopping Yet? Ornaments With Love Early Bird Special

Are you like me and starting your Christmas shopping now, or are you waiting a bit before jumping in?

I like to start early so that I can be finished early... One, so that I can enjoy it... But two, it makes it easier being finished before the boys get here!

Growing up, I can remember my mom (and grandmother at times) giving me a Christmas Ornament as one of my gifts... I loved it then, but I appreciate it so much more now...

You might wonder WHY give a child an ornament... 
Let me tell you MY standpoint on it...

For starters, it filled our tree up with memories through the years as to why that particular ornament was given... But more than that... When I moved out on my own, it was a way for my mom to pass my childhood on to me.  You see, she gave me the ornaments for me to put on MY first tree.  
I am now trying to do that for the boys... 

That way, whenever they have their own first tree, be it when they move out or get married or whatever life presents them... They will have ornaments to go on their tree to remind them of days in the past...

That was why I was happy to get the "Early Bird" email from Ornaments With Love...

Just head on over to their site and order as many Ornaments as you want/need... 

Until September 30th, you will pay the Early Bird Shipping Rate:

$4.95 shipping in the USA

$9.95 shipping in Canada
$12.95 shipping in England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand

***  I will posting a review on Ornaments With Love soon.  I was not required to post this, I just wanted to share, since I was headed over to order some now for our house!*** 


  1. I"m going to start that tradition with my son. He is 18 months, so this year he will understand a little more than last. I can't wait to pick one out for him.

  2. Great tradition..I saved all the ornaments that our 2 grown child made from school, camp,scouts, and day care and gave it to them when they all got married. It is fun to visit and see all their ornaments.. brings back a lot treasured memories. Thanks for the heads up on the early bird shipping.


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