Keepsake Book for Years To Come @kidsHeritageInc

Tradition is a very important thing to me. 
We don't have that many, but we are working on them!!!
When I had the chance to review a new book for Broxton, not only was I excited for it being a new book... I was super excited because it was a book on Heritage! 
This book is just so personalized and definitely one to treasure for years to come!
We had the chance to review a Personalized Children's Book for Broxton called My Heritage Book.  The gift giver gets to pick up to four countries for inclusion in the book. It is so neat! 
It touches on the USA, but then it goes into highlighting the different countries you pick. 
It comes with an inscription in the front and as you turn the pages, you get to read and learn about the traditions from the countries in our heritage (and maybe learn where you get some of the traditions you have.)
I love that each country lets you learn so much.  It starts with a map of the country you are learning about... and a picture of their flag.  Then, as you start to read the text, you are greeted in the language of that particular country(with enunciation in parenthesis)  It also translates what you read and what the language is called.  At the end of the book, you have a couple pages left for you to fill in.  You have a section for the traditions of your family.  There is also a "family tree" page as well.

I am so glad that we have this book and I am so happy to know that we have many years to read and learn about our traditions.   I will tell you, this has not been the best book to read as I put Broxton to bed.  He has too many questions and enjoys talking about what we read.... I have learned that this is a great book to read during the day, so that I am not rushed to answer and we have plenty of time to talk. 
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FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. These sound very interesting. I like that it teaches the kids about the country they are from.


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