Make it a Day at Corn On the Cobb - #PumpkinPatch #SupportLocal #FamilyFun

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I think we have decided that we have a slight obsession with Pumpkin Patches this year... The weather has been PERFECT and what better way to spend a weekend than outside with friends?? Not too long ago, we decided to have an "open playdate" and basically asked any of our friends with kids if they wanted to join us...  We were able to get a discounted rate for everyone and we headed to a little gem tucked away in Cobb County.  Powder Springs to be exact!   It is called Corn on the Cobb (AKA Still Family Farm) and we were made aware of it last year... It is a family owned and operated place and it is a days worth of fun!!!!   
 Walk on up and get your bracelet.  Once you have your bracelet, you are in for the day.  You can even leave and go home (if you want to watch a football game, or if your littlest one needs to go take a nap)  then just head back for more fun... As long as you have your bracelet on.  It is $15 per person to enter * Kids 4 and under are free,* but you can also get a season pass for $25.  
Once inside there are lots of activities for the kids...
The Kiddie Climb was a big hit for big and little kids... Even some of the parents were sliding down with their kiddos having a blast!  

 Another activity?  Rubber Duck Racing!   They had these water pumps put up (I think there are 4 on each side) and you pump the water... the faster you pump, the faster your duck goes... They had a blast on this one... (Make sure you push their sleeves up, or they WILL end up with wet sleeves...  They have no care for pushing their hands all in the water to grab their duck to win!)  
The highlight for ALL the kids?  
The kiddie Zipline.  If you went last year, you will remember they only had one... Well, they have added an additional one and it makes for lots of fun.  You can go against your buddy to see who gets to the end first, or you can just take turns... I believe Broxton and his buddies had to have gone on that thing at least a million and seven times.. Maybe more, but I lost count!   
This is the PERFECT height for little ones that might be too nervous to ride the bigger ones (or maybe they have moms that are too nervous, not sure! Just saying....)  This is great and provides for lots of enjoyment... Be warned you will more than likely hear "Just ONE more time, PLEASE"  as you try to move away from this activity!  

If you are ANYTHING like me... Port-O-Potty's are NOT my thing... So, when I saw that they had ACTUAL bathrooms, that got a big A +++  in my book.... That means it is okay to return.  I know, that should not be a make or break thing, but I am not a fan and this was a big deal to me.  They built actual bathrooms!    Not sure if it is a big deal to you, but wanted to bring the attention to it for others that might be concerned ;)
 If you were able to visit Corn On the Cobb last year, you might remember their Scarecrow, Poe.  Well, he is back again this year to watch over things... but they added a few more for us to enjoy.  From one on a skateboard to one that has fallen in the haystack, you are sure to have great photo opportunities for friends / family.    
 If you are getting ready to head on out, make sure you check out the selection of Pumpkins and flowers that they have available for sale.  Also, make sure you take a traditional pumpkin patch photo before you leave!   Remember, it is all about "Making Memories" and this is a good one!!!! (They also have old tractors on display, perfect for photos!)
From a hayride to the Zipline, Kiddie Climb to Rubber Duck racing... You are sure to have a blast.  Don't forget to check out the Corn Maze before you leave... They have a "popcorn maze" for the little's and then a corn maze for everyone else.    Do you see my sweet little boy lost in fun??????
All in all, we had a great time.  It did end up being a chilly day, so some friends did not want to be out in the weather, but we still had fun.  If you are looking for a great way to spend the day (and support local families) then make sure you check out Corn on the Cobb.  If you have been in the past, I will warn you now - there is NO PUMPKIN TOSS this year... (that was a MAJOR disappointment to us, so I did want you to know...)    But ... This is a great way to spend the day OUTSIDE, playing and with friends!!!
Hope to see you there soon... We will be back!  


  1. How fun. We have yet to go to the Pumpkin Patch. I want to go.


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