Tonight (10/6) on Disney XD #StarWarsRebels

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Yeah, so that one time I wanted to make it seem like I new what I was talking about...   Broxton was so excited to go and see the new Star Wars Rebels movie.  (We were able to go to an advanced screening of it where they had a few activities beforehand.)  I woke up that morning all excited for him --- and then I made my mistake.  I said something about " Daddy said he saw the Death Star on the way to work... Hurry up and lets go and maybe we can see it too!"  His response was something about " Mom, the Death Star has been blown up.  Dad did not see that"  that moment was when I realized to stop trying to get cool points with my knowledge, since I knew nothing!
Anyways, he was excited, so there was really no need to get him worked up.  He was up and ready and even wanted to make a sign for them!   We hurried to the theater and when we walked in, he was BEYOND THRILLED that he immediately saw Boba Fett.  
 They had face painters, a balloon artist and a few troopers there.  To say it was a great start to our day would be an understatement, so I will just say that he had an AMAZING day!

 Of course we had to get a picture by the movie poster.  I tell you know, if they had given them out, he would have it hanging in his room as we speak.. but at least we were able to snap a picture by one!

Before heading into the movie, he was able to get his face painted...  he got a red light saber and even got his photo with the troopers.  (He wanted to make a sign, it reads " DARTH VADER IS AWESOME!  * Storm Troopers are too!)   Not sure why (or where ) the need for a sign, but when your 5 year old "NEEDS" a sign that day, it just has to be done!  (Note the red paper too!)
Welcome to the Dark Side!

So - the movie started and he was in his own world.  I really thought it was cute, but I will remind you I know nothing of Star Wars.  There were lots of exciting scenes and it kept his attention the whole time... Even WITHOUT Popcorn!
I got my dates messed up- if you see the sign, it says on Disney DVD October 14th...But they have been showing it on Disney XD.  It premiered the other night... We had plans.. but guess what?  It comes on tonight!  So we WILL be watching it then!!!!

A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away....
Against the might of the Galactic Empire, an unlikely band of heroes emerges to renew the fight for freedom. Witness the epic debut of the riveting animated series Star Wars Rebels, in this one-hour movie event – showing on the big screen one time only!
The story unfolds during a dark time when the evil Empire is tightening its grip of power on the galaxy. Imperial forces have occupied a remote planet and are ruining the lives of its people. The motley but clever crew of the starship Ghost -- cowboy Jedi Kanan, ace pilot Hera, street-smart teenager Ezra, the"muscle" Zeb, explosives expert Sabine, and cantankerous old astromech droid Chopper -- is among a select few who are brave enough to stand against the Empire. Together, they will face threatening new villains, encounter colorful adversaries, embark on thrilling adventures and become heroes with the power to ignite a rebellion. 

Star Wars Rebels is created by Dave Filoni (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Simon Kinberg (X-Men: Days of Future Past, Sherlock Holmes), and Carrie Beck. The Lucasfilm Animation production is also executive-produced by Filoni and Kinberg as well as Greg Weisman (Gargoyles).

The talented voice cast includes Freddie Prinze Jr. as Kanan, Vanessa Marshall as Hera, Steve Blum as Zeb, Tiya Sircar as Sabine, Taylor Gray as Ezra, David Oyelowo as Agent Kallus and Jason Isaacs as the Inquisitor.

Series premieres October 13th (9PM ET/PT) on Disney XD.


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