Stocking Stuffer or Gift Topper, #Emojiez has you covered! #JBGiftGuide16

You know how Emojiez are all the hype right now?  Broxton (age 7) has no cell phone or anything, but he LOVES getting my phone and sending Emojiez in text messages to my parents and my brother. I honestly don't think he can send a message at all that he doesn't have to add a few Emojiez at the end.  We were sent a selection of their products for review and Broxton had to take the stickers to school to share with his friends.  They loved them and he loved being able to share a smile (literally and figuratively!)  with his friends.  

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

If you are looking for something for Stocking Stuffers this year (or even a cute gift topper for a special someone!)  look at the Emojiez line.  I have seen a few shirts that I want to get for both Broxton and Savannah, but they have so much to choose from!

As soon as the plush arrived, Savannah quickly claimed that for herself.  I thought it was funny how she tried to love on it, so yes, that is her little guy.  

As much as I do NOT find poop funny, Broxton was cracking up with these...  He got the poop eraser and took it to school, all the kids were laughing and found it amusing.  I can't wait until he opens up his Christmas and sees that he now has Smelvin, the poop collectible figure.  They have several figures to collect and I love that they each come with a card that tells a bit about them.  Sort of like a baseball card for Emojiez!  If you want to see all the characters, look at the Buddiez link at fun 2 play!  

Like I said, there are several Emojiez products to choose from. You can get slap bracelets. (I loved them as a kid, these are just as fun.  Nothing like slapping the slap bracelet on you to take you right back to your youth! )  They also have Wind Up toys, bag tags, erasers, pencil toppers, stickers and so much more! 

This is one of the Squishiez.  It comes in a plastic ball.  Come to find out, you can turn the plastic ball into a chair to hold your Squishiez, or you can just pop that joker on a pencil and be super cool!

What emojiez character is your favorite?  



  1. I don't know if my first comment went through. My internet is on and then down today. I was just saying I like the smiley face and the cool guy smiley. And I was saying most boys like the poop, because they're silly. ;)

  2. How funny that Savannah claimed one as her own. I think a lot of boys especially go through talking about poop as if it's the funniest thing in the world.

  3. I'm always for the smiles :)
    But those are too cute!


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