Indestructibles - Review

Whenever Broxton "reads" a book...
He really "Reads" it!
He tries to eat it... ( is he a billy goat?!)
and he reads it so hard/"fast" that the pages tend to rip!
So, for most of the books, they are put up and he can "read" them with mommy or daddy.
The only books he is allowed to "read" on his own are the chunky board books that we pick up here and there in the dollar sections of the stores.

Well, now he has added another one to his available library!
Amy has solved that problem!
When she had triplets, she realized the problems with the books currently on the market and she wanted to make a safe book for her little ones. Heck, with 3 of them... She already had her hands full as it was without having to add that worry to the list! :)
So, with the help of Karen... They came up with a great idea!!!

Indestructibles was born!!!
These books are made out of a material that can be chewed, crumpled, wet... NOT RIPPED!
I am not sure what it is actually made out of.... But Broxton has not manages to ruin it while reading!!! (and we have been "reading" it for over a week now!)

This book is so cute too!
It is basically a cartoon book that is set to a nursery rhyme.
We received Humpty Dumpty.
The rhyme is posted on the back of the book...
therefore, adding more interaction with parent and baby.
The parent tells the rhyme while the baby "reads" the book!!!!

Click on over here to see why Indestructibles are made specifically for babies.
There are currently 9 titles available... with more on the way!!!
Pick up an Indestructible book to add to your library today!

A big THANK YOU to Amy for allowing us to review an Indestructible Humpty Dumpty!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation


  1. my four year old could use indestructible books! he's so rough on his reading materials!

  2. What a informative post about baby books. Looks like I'm going to have to look into this one being as a few of my grandchildren are becoming into reading age. Thanks kiddo!

  3. What a great idea! I have a 2 year old cutie that visits me very often and she loves to "read". Even the board books get wrecked from constant usage, and the opening doors get pulled off.

    Encouraging children to enjoy books at an early age is very important, and this product makes it easier.

  4. These are just too cute and what a fabulous idea! I wish these were around when my boys were little, I ended up buyint 2 copies of books that I wanted to save - one for them to use and one for me to save. :-)

  5. Oh great we need these, my youngest is so rough on them. Then my oldest gets all upset.

    Stopping by from Lorie's post. New follower ;)


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