W-W - Baby It's Cold Outside...

We were riding around the other day...
When we noticed this:

Still sick, so please keep thinking of me...
LoL, if I am in this much pain with a stomach virus, I can not imagine morning sickness...
(I had NONE with Broxton, so I know whenever we get pregnant again, I am in TROUBLE!)


  1. That is cold! I know KC drain all the water out of all their fountains during the winter time.

    I do hope you get better soon! My youngest had the tummy flu a week ago. I was his target once.

    WW: http://theapels.blogspot.com/2010/12/wordless-wednesday-finished-christmas.html

  2. Brrrrr!!!!! Praying for ya to get well soon, sweet lady.


  3. looks pretty cool even tho I hate the cold

  4. I heard from my uncle that y'all got snow! Prayers for you! I think morning sickness is different. Was definitely more nauseous with this one, but no vomiting with either pregnancy!

  5. I am praying for you and for warmer weather. I keep singing "Baby It's Cold Outside" to JDaniel.

  6. I'm so sorry you're feeling ill, my sweet friend!!!

    I can't believe that ice!

  7. Man that IS cold! You know I'd never survive there, I can't handle the cold we've been having and it's in the 40s during the day and just freezing at night. But this is FLORIDA, it's supposed to be warm.

  8. Great Pictures! Hope you and Broxton feel better soon!

  9. Wow... that is cool! Thanks for sharing your photos. I pray you feel better soon. And a note about the morning sickness... I didn't get it with either of my kids. You probably won't get it next time.

  10. Not a fan of the cold but those are very cool shots.

  11. I hope you are feeling better. I'm still yucky sick from the flu too.

    These photos are awesome capture!

    And don't predict how you'll be when you get pregnant again :) We can't know these things. It might just a fantastic 9 months :)



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