8 Formulas To Live By- Guest Post

I am happy to be able to share a Guest Post with you Today.
This is an article written by : Ana Weber

The 8 Formulas to Live By

By Ana Weber

What are the 8 formulas to live by? Why are they effective and liked? Who can benefit from these formulas?

This year is the 5th birthday year I am celebrating the life of the 8 formulas for life... How fun? AND timing is perfect 2011.

We are battling with a downturn economy, thousands of people are searching for jobs, looking for answers to pressing questions, lost emotionally and financially drained. Some lost hope, direction, and focus and faith in tomorrow and others cannot let go of yesterday battles or yesterday's better days they remember. And in the process some of us are challenged with extra weight, unexpected aging signs, low energy, and no patience for our kids, not enough time for accomplishing what we set to do in the first place and furthermore we express a lousy attitude at work and at home and everywhere we go in between destinations. Not to mention the natural disasters hitting certain areas in the world and the worries we attach to them; what is going to happen tomorrow? This is reality for now.

On a better note, I believe that we can shift and turn the stress we are so accustomed to live by and change our attitude all together.

I am delighted to share with you my findings and the power of the 8 formulas to live by;

The birth of the 8 formulas.

5 years ago I was going through some challenging and difficult times but I wasn't ready to crumble and give up. So one morning I came up with a simple idea. I must create some guidelines to live by and pro-act with my challenges. 3 Formulas came to life and with time as I was juggling life up and down and left and right I began to add more formulas to the list. I ended up with 8. I've come to the conclusion that the 8 formulas were not too many or too little and not too overwhelming. Most importantly since I was practicing the formulas I saw positive changes and good changes in my life. My mood was lifted, I had more energy than ever and people were enjoying my company. I excelled at work and I became happier and liberated. I pro-acted and stress shifted into success. Slowly but surely I began to introduce the formulas to my friends, co-workers, neighbors and clients and family members. All these people acknowledged the value in these formulas and I was thrilled. And as life folds and unfolds sometimes with the need to solve the puzzle and other times with the need to live the mystery the formulas play a huge role in our lives..

Mothers and single parents and executives and young students can incorporate the 8 formulas and tailor them into their lives. Human nature dictates the success of an idea when the idea is producing tangible and desirable results quickly and effectively. The 8 formulas do just that.

I am thrilled to share with you the 8 formulas to live by:

1. Enjoy your today and do what you can do today, tomorrow becomes today when we live and practice It., take one step at a time

2. Take good care of yourself, make time for exercise, make time to prepare healthy meals and tasty foods, make time for a good night sleep, and make time for fun and socializing. Spend less time on texting and more time on connecting one on one.

3. Get out of your zip code, see the world. You will recharge your batteries and lift your enthusiasm and your intelligence, people skills and communication skills and enhance intimacy.

4. Be more interested than interesting, be there for others and help others achieve their dreams and goals.

5. Pro-Act with life challenges, marinate, take time out before you proceed with decisions and choices. TIME OUT IS TIME IN.

6. Introduce the ingredient 'LOVE" into your daily diet (a dash of love is a dash of happiness)

7. Smile more today and worry less about tomorrow. Flow with time and make time your lifetime friendly companion.

8. Build a passion for all that you like and don't like to do. You will reduce your stress level. (The things we don't like to do represent a ribbon connecting us to all the things we enjoy and love to do. Without that link there is a void. And without the ribbon we fight change and resent change.

MY message to you, the reader is simple and clear. When you introduce and apply the 8 formulas into your daily life you will see remarkable changes in your life. You are simply building a good appetite for life. The taste and the color and the shape of your daily life will change from time to time but the presentation will remain attractive and desirable. You will garnish it with a smile from the inside out without a doubt. Wouldn't you like that?


  1. I love the tip to get out of your zip code. JDaniel had a great time visiting Washington, Dc two weeks ago.

  2. Lovely tips! Definitely great advice I should try to take more often. :)

    I'm following you back. Thanks for visiting and following A Helicopter Mom!

    Have a great afternoon,

  3. Great ideas, really like 6 and 7, love and smile! A smile can transform a room, a day, even someone's life :)...thanks dear!


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