New Craze? Lyric Bands?

You know those rubber bracelets that all the kids wear?
Like the "Livestrong" bracelets?
Yeah, I have tons of them.

Everywhere we go, they are always giving away these bracelets!
Well, one of the boys completely LOVES them!!!
He used to wear tons of them and it seemed as though he could not get enough...

I saw that there was a company that made "LYRIC BANDS" and I just knew that he would love them!
What exactly is a Lyric Band?
It is one of those rubber bracelets, but it has song lyrics on it!
I love the idea and he thought it was so cool!!!

I had him tell me which one he wanted and he decided that he wanted the "Whip My Hair Back and Forth."
He thinks that song is just too funny...
He also picked it out in purple (hello, die hard LSU fan!)
He was so excited to get it for review...

Once he got it, he immediately put it on and was really liking it!
It is thicker than the regular ones and the writing is in fat font, so it makes it easy to read!

Then- Big Brother Ruined it!
As soon as he saw it, he started in about picking one that had that Lyric.
According to him, he should have gone with "Mr. Steal Your Girl."
Now, I have never heard that song, don't know who sings it/what it says or anything..
So, needless to say, when your older brother jokes on the lyrics...
The bracelet comes off.

I told him that I was going to give it to one of Broxton's friends that he met at the pool.
She is older than him, but she loves to sing that song!
Also, I know that she would love it and wear it, as what girl doesn't like jewelry?

Oh, he loved the Lyric Band...
So much that he wanted me to order him another one...
I am not ordering one now, maybe later...

As for Madison, Broxton's friend...
I gave it to her, she had a huge smile and immediately put it on!

But, for those of you thinking about them...
They are cute..  and have several different lyrics!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


  1. A little off subject, but we saw slap bracelets at the mall the other day!!! I couldn't believe it!

  2. What will they come up with next?

  3. If you are doing business with LyricBands or LyRokz one in the same buyer beware! Very poor business practices!!


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