Experimenting with My Taste Buds - @Amys_Kitchen

I have never tried Tofu..
Until recently.  Even then, it was by mistake.
I know, some of you are right there with me... others think I am crazy for never trying it...
Either way...

I did try it... and I think I liked it.
Still out on that one.
I had the chance to try a couple different products from Amy's Kitchen.

First up, I saw this Brown Rice and Vegetable Bowl
It looked delicious.  So, I grabbed it... and then a few days later, decided to try it...
Yep.. there was the tofu. 
I think I honestly would not have noticed it at all, if it wasn't for the texture.  
I now know, I am a texture person....

The taste was great and it was good to know that I was eating organic and gluten free.
I always worry that people that are on non-dairy / gluten free/ organic diets might not be enjoying their food... Now, I know they are ... 

The other I tried was the Organic Beans and Rice Wrap.
Now, that was good food right there!
I had coupons for other items and I was really eager to check out a few of her other products... 
But, then I saw these two women.
They had two shopping carts FULL of foods... 
and over half of their cart was full of Amy's Items.

Of course, me being me.. I asked if they were "couponers"... 
As I have never seen carts that full for those that don't coupon... 
No, they were not... they were just doing their shopping..
We got to talking about Amy's products...
She said she recently had to change her diet and that she was really impressed with the Amy's product line..
I told her how I had tried a couple and had been impressed so far...
That was like a sign to me...
She HAS to change her diet... So, I gave her my remaining coupons...
She was so appreciative and I was glad that there are companies out there like Amy's that can help when people need help in changing their diets!

Please follow Amy's Kitchen on Facebook and Twitter.

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.


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