Lamb's Easter Surprise - Great for Easter Basket

I want to share a couple ideas that the Easter Bunny says he is bringing Broxton...
I have told you about a great DVD he is bringing... 
Now, it is time to share a great book!  

Lamb's Easter Surprise is a colorful book about a soft lamb that makes the best surprise party ever!!!
Little one's will love turning the pages watching all the barnyard animals as they prepare for an Easter Surprise sure to put a smile on the face of every reader!  You can actually feel the softness on the lamb as you turn each page! (It is able to be felt on the cover, so I was surprised that it was on each page as well!)  Broxton really enjoys the books that have different textures, so I know he is going to enjoy this one!  As you turn each page, you see the barn animals planning a special surprise.  From gathering and painting the eggs to decorating the place and table! Wake up and enjoy the start of morning reading such a cute book!
What a cute book and the little girl that the party is for is in for a special treat!!!!

FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation .


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