Sibu Beauty Seed Oil Review

I bit ago, I had the chance to review products from Sibu Beauty.  I was really impressed with them, so when I had the chance to review their Seed Oil, I knew I wanted to ...   
If you remember, Broxton has eczema.  Some days are better than others... and I just can not seem to win for losing.  The doctor has prescribed lotions for him and we use those too..
I have to admit, maybe we don't do it as well as we should... You see, when we notice him starting to turn a bit red, or if he starts to itch, we put something on him.  Normally we try to put something on him at night before he goes to bed, no matter if there is a flare up or not... 

The problem is that he isn't always so cooperative.  I know, you are saying "You are the parent, you can make him be still" but you see, I have never had eczema., so I do not know what he is feeling.  I can only go by the results of seeing.  
So... that being said, I wanted to try the Sibu Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil .  I figured that if I was that impressed with their products, for sure the oil would be great.  
Well, for the longest, he was fine with no flare ups, so I could not really give a review on it, since I had no clue... Then... It happened.  All of a sudden, he was trying to claw his arms off (that is where he gets it the worst, the opposite side of his elbow, whatever that is called) I grabbed the seed oil, as I had it in my purse. I admit, it wasn't coming out as fast as I wanted ( I understand the way they have it, but he was in pain and I wanted to lather it all over him!)  I ended up pulling the inside out (it is a little plastic hole that controls how much is poured out) so that I could get more out.  I noticed it was orange and was worried it was going to stain the clothing and furniture.  I rubbed it in and at first it reminded me of iodine or something... but then a little bit later, it was absorbed in the skin.  Now, with some lotions and potions, Broxton will scream bloody murder, but he didn't this time.  I am taking it that it is a good thing.  I ended up putting more on him before bed and then again in the morning.  The redness stayed for a few days and I put the oil on him off and on.  I did not notice him clawing as bad as the past, so I am thinking it worked to relive the itch/pain.  
As I said, I don't have eczema, so I do not really know what it feels like, except that he will wake up crying and itching during the night when he does have a flare up.  I have been using the oil when that has happened recently and it seems to calm him.  
No, I am not a doctor, so I do not know for certain if this works on everyone, but it does seem to help in our house.  Ha ha, Broxton has even started asking if I am a doctor!  

From their site:
Sea buckthorn seed oil has long been used as a topical treatment to aid in the relief of skin conditions such as eczema, acne, rosacea, burns, and wounds AND as a traditional beauty treatment to preserve youthful skin tone and texture. It is a secret remedy to fight wrinkles and age spots so you may (or may not) want to share it with your friends.
Our therapeutic grade organic seed oil will help restore damaged skin to its natural beautiful state.
  • Quick acting/readily absorbed
  • For all skin-types
  • Helps relieve Rosacea, Acne, Eczema
  • Helps diminish wrinkles/age-spots
  • Use to treat burns/wounds
  • Promotes skin recovery and healing
  • 100% CERES Organic
  • 10 ml bottle w/ dropper tip
100% therapeutic-grade, organic sea buckthorn seed oil for topical treatment of skin ailments.

Do you or anyone you know suffer from Eczema? Have you tried anything from Sibu Beauty?
FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation   


  1. I know lots of people with Ezcema will have to give this a try!


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