Help Your Clothes (and Closet) With @MyClothingHelpr
Okay, lets get a bit personal here.. Do you wear your clothes more than one time before you wash them?
I will be honest... I do. Like church.. We get up, get dressed, go to church, come home and change.
So, I will wear those pants a few more times before I wash them. I will also wear a shirt that I wore for just a bit again before washing them.. ESPECIALLY clothes that have to be dry cleaned. No, I am not being nasty or lazy... I am being normal. At least, normal in my mind.
I was talking to a friend of mine and she says she does like 4 loads of laundry PER day.. EVERY day.
Her house consists of her, her husband and 2 small children. She told me that her (and her husband) will wear something for just a bit.. change and then put on another outfit. One example was that he comes home from work.. changes... then needs to go to the store.. changes again... then once he is home... changes again... What? There is no way that you are that dirty that you need to change 3 or 4 times a day... to just work and go to the store.. He is an art director making logos, so I KNOW he doesn't get all dirty....
Well, I told her that she would not need the product I am going to tell you about..
But, if you are anything like me... You might like this idea!
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My Clothing Helper is a great idea!!!!
What is it? Well, it is this cute little hang tab that you put on your hanger..
It has a "C" on it (for clean)
Then, you wear your clothes, come home, hang it up and move the little circle down to the 1.
Pretty simple.. but very effective!
The only thing, is you have to want to do it! (Example, I told my mom about it and she said it would be great for my dad.. only problem, was would my dad do it? I think not, since she told him he had to match his own socks and I think sometimes he just throws them all in the drawer!)
I like that they fit on all sorts of hangers, so if you are one with plastic hangers, you are safe... as well as those that use the metal hangers that come from the dry cleaners!
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So, if you are looking for something like this for your house... and you are tired of guessing what has been worn how many times... You might want to look into this..
At only $9.99 a pack, it really is a great deal!!!!
FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.
I'm thinking we need something like this. We have a crappy closet!!!