Mack Daddy?

FTC Compliant Review Policy:
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Broxton has always been in the higher percents as far as height and weight...
Saying that, we always have to look at the safety for him in cars...   ( I know all parents do, I am just referring to him being taller than most.)
I was hesitant to turn him forward facing... Yes, I followed the laws... but even so, I wanted to keep him safest for as long as he could be... But when you are like 95% for height and your legs are folding facing rear, you wonder when to turn him...
Then, in a blink of an eye (or so it seems) he turned 4 and we were talking about booster seats... 
I started asking friends what their opinions were on the booster seats with no backs versus the ones with the backs on them... and pretty much every single one said that they preferred the ones with the backs.
I tell you, that was a pretty good conversation, as some parents with younger kids wanted to hear the opinions everyone had... to prepare for when it was there turn.

Needless to say, I went with a booster seat with a back... As that was the one most recommended from friends and family...  Then...  It came.... 
We were sent a booster seat for review (we needed two, so this was awesome... we bought one... and then the "mack daddy" of them all arrived.)

You might want to know why I keep saying "Mack Daddy"  .... well, we can all thank my parents for that vocabulary!  Whenever mom or dad think something is above being awesome, it goes in the Mack Daddy category.  Now that I think about it... I can't think of what else is in the category right now, because Broxton's new booster seat has gone and wiped everything else out!

Let me tell you.....
We were sent the Snugli Booster car seat... 
When I saw the box at the front door, I almost broke my neck trying to get to it as fast as I could... 
Then, I opened the box and said those magic words...  "Mack Daddy!"

Broxton was at school, so I got to check it out...
Ooohing and Aahing over it... telling Marc all about it.
I felt like I was telling Marc the details in a new car I wanted him to buy for me.
"Two Cup Holders"  "Memory Foam Seats" "Breathable Fabric"  "Camo Print!!!"
But the best for me?  "EASY TO INSTALL."

I will be back tomorrow to show you pictures and tell you more about it...
I believe so... but it's okay... Marc wants one for him too!  


  1. Nothing better than getting products that are in the Mack Daddy category! Yahoo!

  2. Def coming back to read about it. My son's 6 and we've still got him in a car seat. :)


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