Ready to See the Mack Daddy Of Them All? @SnugliBaby

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The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

Introducing...   The "Mack Daddy" 
We were sent the SNUGLI Booster Seat for review and as soon as I opened it ... I knew Broxton was going to be in heaven with it...  Besides the safety that made me love it, I knew the camo print was going to have him talking about it...
Let me try and show you some of the things I am now in love with:  

The seat as a whole... It has a back (which basically all friends/ family recommended)  It has 2 cup holders.  5 point harness.  It is a 2 in 1.  Meaning you can use it as a forward facing car seat 22-65 lbs.  but then you can use it as a booster seat with your cars seat belt from 40 - 110 lbs.  
I love the fabric... it is made of a temperature controlled fabric that makes it not too hot in the summer (Broxton has complained many times about the seat being too hot for him to get into... but since he has been in this one, I have heard no complaints at all about it being too hot.)  but  it also allows for absorption of heat to keep little ones warm during winter months.  
The seat is made with 3 layers of foam for impact safety!
I absolutely love the cup holders... they have the elastic in there to allow for smaller or larger cups... no need to worry about your cup not fitting... most should work!

 Besides it being safe and looking good... (Seriously, Marc said he wished they had a booster seat that he could ride in, if it was going to be this fancy...)  I am totally in love with the ease of putting it in the car.  That has always been a huge problem for me.  It was always so hard to move from my car to my dads car... or to whatever vehicle we needed....  So much that I would plan for a couple hours to get it moved over, because due to my frustration, I would quit a couple times... Now, it is so easy, I just click and it is good to go.  I went to put the new booster in and quickly came back in... (Already finished.)  Marc asked if I needed him to go and move it... and I was proud to tell him I was already finished!  

I love having it on the 5 point harness still.  When he gets older / bigger, we will move it to just the booster, but for now, I love it this way.   I will say, Broxton has a hard time snapping it closed himself, so I have to do it for him... But honestly, it doesn't bother me at all.  
It has an easily identifiable area to use as a booster seat.  Without being all weird and in the way.  
Now, don't you see why we call it the "Mack Daddy" of booster seats?
We love it and have really enjoyed having it in the car!!!  Knowing that Broxton is safe is a great feeling to have, especially in this Atlanta traffic!  If you are looking for a great looking and secure booster seat, make sure to check out the Snugli Booster Seat!  


  1. This is such a fun seat! I love the cover!

  2. I'm so glad to hear you still have him in a booster. I've seen so many kids not in one. Mica and Isaak still are.

    It does sound like a sweet seat!

  3. I definitely see why it's called the Mack Daddy. What a chair! And the camo print totally rocks for a boy! Thanks for sharing, Noelle. We're about ready to start looking. The car seat in my car goes up to 70lbs, but the one in dad's car is getting tight so we need to consider a booster too. If my son had his way he'd have a booster in both vehicles. He thinks he's too old now for a car seat. ;)

  4. That's a great looking seat. I had no idea Snugli even made them. I wonder if N could fit with the 5 pt harness. She seems to be too tall for any of the ones we've tried. But, we will definitely be in a backed booster until she's like 90!


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