Bring the Cafe Home - @Keurig #review

FTC Compliant Review Policy: 
The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

I will be the fist to admit I am not a big coffee drinker.  I do enjoy a nice cup on occasions... like when we are on vacation... or if it is really cold...  but when I do have a cup, I want it to be a nice and sweet drink.  Not just plain coffee.  Plain and Black?  Leave that to my dad and brother.  
When the single cup servers came out, I was all over wanting one... I asked for one for Christmas... I left hints (such as emailing links of it) and yet 2 holidays have come and gone... with no Keurig for me.  
Then, the cold came this year... and it seemed like Marc was stopping at the store to grab a nice hot beverage more and more... (Yes, if he was headed home, he would bring me one.. but most times he was grabbing on one the way to work.)  I kept thinking "it sure would be nice to have a Keurig."
** You do know that Keurigs have K-Cups for not only coffee, but also for hot chocolate, tea and more... 
Well, lucky Marc - or me... however you want to see it... (His birthday is this month, so I said it could be a birthday gift for him!)  I was contacted about reviewing the Keurig and we are both really enjoying it!!!!

This house was VERY excited to open the mail this day.  Our very own Keurig!!!
Once you open your Keurig, you are immediately greeted with a full line up of all the different companies that work with Keurig in bringing you the best tasting beverages!!!!  
 Getting the Keurig ready was simple.  You just have to fill up the water tank with water.  Then, you run one setting to basically clean it out.  After that, you are ready to enjoy!  Lucky for us, the Keurig 45 Elite comes with 12 different K-Cups to get you started.  I loved the variety so that you know what you like and what you can do without.  I could have sworn I took a picture of the assortment, but I guess I didn't.. Or I did, but I was not happy with the result and deleted it.  All I know is that the day it arrived, Marc was just as excited as I was and was eager to try it... He actually had me brew a cup right then so we could check it out!

It is really simple.  You just place your cup underneath the drip.  Lift the silver handle up to open the compartment.  Place the K-Cup of your choice inside and then close the compartment back up. 
If you notice to the top right, you will see 3 buttons. (Not sure if you notice, but they are lit up with a blue light.)  Well, that is your cup size selection.  You can choose 3 different sizes: 6 oz., 8 oz. or 10 oz.   We went with the 8 oz, as it was in the middle and seemed like a great choice!  
In like less than a minute, we had a nice cup of HOT coffee.  Yes, it looks like a small amount , but  we have learned (from having company) that we actually have larger than normal coffee cups.  I have no clue, they came with the dishes.. but they are pretty large.  Guess that means you don't have to worry about filling it up that often!    
Another great thing about the Keurig?  It can accommodate our larger than normal coffee cups.  You can also remove the drip tray to allow for travel cups or different sizes that might not be standard!  
This is what your trash looks like.  No more soggy filters full of coffee.  Just one little cup with a hole in the top and another in the bottom.  
We have been really impressed with our Keurig.  Not only is it fast... The result is super hot (I was really skeptical about that)  The drinks have all been great.  The clean up is easy.  Ours even has a water filter built into it - it says to change the filter like every 2 months.  *depending upon use.
When my mom came to visit, she had a cappuccino every night as we hung out watching TV. Never has she done that before, since we would not load up to run to a store to grab one... and we didn't have a way to offer it at home before.   I like that you can buy variety packs to keep on hand to offer guests.

Our drinks have been great to the very last drop.   All of my friends that have them have nothing but great things to say about them...  We are so happy for our new addition!
If you are looking for a great brewer, for your self... or to give a kid heading to college -
Check out the Keurig 45 Elite!  


  1. If you do not already have one you should buy one the the reusable K cup filters. That way you can put ground coffee into that without having to buy the cups. It is much cheaper that way. Some of the coffee makers come with it but if yours did not you should look into getting one.

  2. I love my Keurig like no other new-ish invention around. Really, I love it. :)

  3. I absolutely love my keurig! I don't drink a ton of coffee, so it makes it so easy. (Sadly I can't even brew coffee in a regular pot anymore, I've completely forgotten how, LOL).

  4. I've always wanted one of these! Yummy!

  5. I've been hearing very good things. I think my husband would love this.


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