Cats and Robots? #RaisingaReader for #NationalBookLoversDay

There seems to be a "National Day" for everything now.  Some just seem dumb to be, but today is one I can get behind.  Today is National Book Lovers Day!!! You know we love books here and if you follow me on Instagram, I told you I was sharing a couple with you today.

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.
Up first is The Bot that Scott built.  This book is by Kim Norman and I thought the name sounded familiar.  I knew I had read something else by that name and as soon as we started the book, I knew! Come to find out, I have read several by her!!!!   This book is no different, meaning it is a great read! 

In "The Bot that Scott Built" we see the disasters that go on all day, as soon as we are introduced to "the bot that Scott built!" Each page is a sing song of adding more onto it, You know, you meet the bot, then you meet the frog, then back to the bot... as each page turns you are curious as to what is going to happen next.  What will the teacher do?  How will the kids react?  
You have to read it to find out!  

Another book we were sent was one that was just plain silly.  "This is not a cat" is a cute book, with not many words. Perfect for those learning to read, as it really only has about 10-15 different words in the whole book.  
In this one, the teacher is trying to explain to the mice exactly what they need to see as "DANGER" showing pictures of what is a cat and what is not a cat.  As with all little ones, they seem to be quickly bored... but does it stay that way? Again, grab it and find out what happens.  We were laughing when we turned the page! 

Stay tuned for more books to help make reading fun!  


  1. Sometimes books with just a few words can be very engaging!! "This is Not a Cat" sounds really cute!

  2. I think the robot book looks fun. I love the illustrations in it.


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