Do you make #BackToSchool care packages?

Most people are totally in back to school mode now.  Well, I guess most have already started, but as soon as I think everyone has started, someone posts a picture about how they are getting ready to go back.  While you hate to think of all the germs and what not that are out there, it is great to be prepared for all the other little "friends" your children will pick up during the average school day.  

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To get us all back to school ready, here are a few tips from our friends at Chloraseptic:

Maria M. Mantione’s Tips on Staying Healthy and Avoiding Germs This Back to School Season:

  • Be Prepared. A sore, scratchy throat is often the first sign of a cold coming on. Be sure to have Chloraseptic® spray and lozenges on hand to help as soon as it starts, they provide almost instant relief!

  • Stay on Schedule. During summer break, many families loosen their schedules – bedtimes are later, meals aren’t as planned. To stay healthy when you go back to school, get back on schedule! A good night’s sleep and a well-balanced diet is your best defense against germs that can make you sick.

  • Get immunized! Getting your flu shot is the best way to prevent the flu! Remember that the flu and the common cold are different – the flu shot does not prevent colds. Want to know if the flu is going around in your area? Visit to find out!

  • Wash your hands often. And do your best not to touch your face! Germs are commonly spread from surfaces to your hands, and can make you sick when you touch your nose, eyes, or put your hands in your mouth. Break those habits!

  • Relax. Rest. Repeat. If you are sick, stay home and get plenty of rest. If you encounter sick people at work or school, stay away and clean shared items before using them. Computer keyboards and telephones are common culprits for spreading germs!"

  • Stock Up. Stock your medicine cabinet so you are prepared in case you do get sick. No one likes to shop when they don’t feel well. Keep pain and fever relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen on hand, as well as pseudoephedrine for stuffy noses, and Chloraseptic® spray and lozenges for sore throats.

  • While I can handle the every day common cold (although I don't LIKE to have to handle it)  one thing I am not sure about is Lice.  I know I had it as a child - UGHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  Don't even make me think about it, as I start itching already...  I am not sure if we have had to deal with it being an issue at Broxton's school.  I know that we have spoken to him about not sharing hats and what not with his classmates, but luckily that has not been a problem. We are prepared "just in case" by having Nix in our medicine cabinet. 

    Did you know that there is now a SUPER LICE out there??  GROSS!!!!   They have a map online to show you the states that this Super Lice has been noted in.  (I'm talking to you, Georgia, California and others!)   One of the older boys has moved in to his first apartment away at college and of course we have Broxton in elementary school.  That being said, we will be keeping both Chloraseptic and Nix on hand at our house and making a "just in case" package to give to the older one. I really don't think you can be too careful and I would rather have it and not need it, instead of need it and not have it.  You and I both know if you are sick the last thing you want to do is go to the store to buy things...    

    What are other items you would place in a "just in case" box to send to a kid away in college?  


    1. Nix has been in my house. It's been many years, but I remember it well. I would sing it's praises any day.

    2. Super live is everywhere this year it seems. I keep hearing it being talked about on the news.


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