Infusium23 keeps my hair healthy!

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I cut my hair a bit ago... See photo below if you need a reminder.  You see, to me, hair is just that... hair.  I grow it out, cut it, donate and go on.  I am not one to style it and fix it up all the time.  Normally, it is just pulled back in a ponytail and that is it.  It is funny, one of my best friends always has to laugh at my hair, since it is pulled back all the time and I have tons of little fly away's around the front. (Oh, and don't forget the baby curls around my ears.)
Having admitted that I don't do much for style, I do take pride in my hair.  Whenever I go to finally get it cut, I am always complimented on how healthy my hair is.  Yes, I can brag on that, since to me it is a big deal!   Why am I telling you this?  Well, I want to tell you about what I actually do use on my hair.
INSTAGRAM PHOTO when I cut my hair.

FTC Compliant Review Policy:  The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. Opinions expressed are my own and are NOT influenced by monetary compensation.

I have been using the Infusium 23 line for a bit now.  I used to go to the shampoo / conditioner aisle and just sniff them all until I found the one that grabbed me. True story, you can ask my cousin if you don't believe me, since she was always right there with me smelling them all.  Well, I was lucky enough to have the chance to review the Infusium line and since it seems to work at keeping my hair clean feeling, looking and smelling, I have not changed it up.  (Full disclosure here, I will change it up soon, as I was told to not use the same shampoo / conditioner all the time, as your hair will eventually get buildup from it.  I don't know if it is true or not, but I normally change hair care products every 6 months, and when I do, I normally pour a can of beer on my hair to strip it all before moving on.  Again, not sure the validity of any of this and for all I know, it could all be old wives tales, but it works for me, so I do it.  To each his own, no judgements!)    Having just told you what felt like my life story in those parentheses up there, I  will say this.  Infusium is one that I keep in my rotation when I move on to other lines. So, while I do say goodbye for a bit, it isn't forever!

The infusium 23 line:
Infusium 23 Repair + Renew Shampoo is rich with intensive hair-healthy ingredients to strengthen and reveal hair’s true beauty. The i-23 Complex®, enriched with provitamins, proteins and amino acids, pampers and promotes soft, healthy-looking, manageable hair.

Infusium 23 Repair + Renew Conditioner is reinforced with hair-healthy conditioners and shine enhancers to recharge, renew and deeply treat dull, damaged, stressed-out hair.

Infusium 23 Repair + Renew Leave-In Treatment reduces split ends and tames fly-aways. Improves the quality of hair over time and protects against breakages. Instantly detangles wet or dry hair.

By simply washing my hair with the Infusium 23 line, I have no problems getting out there in the elements all around us. Swimming pools, swimming in natural water sources (we went to a local springs to enjoy over the summer)  and adventures to the park to play and hunt Pokemon...  My hair has been cared for, even if it is just in a ponytail.   (Yes, I normally get out of the shower and pull it up.  It is only dried / flat ironed if we are going to church or somewhere important where I need to be a bit more "presentable.")  


  1. You're hair is so shiny! The weather can be harsh here and ocean water dries mine out. I'd love to try the Infusium 23.

  2. Your hair does look really healthy. My hair was always straight when I was a child, now it's curly. How does that even happen? Ha


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