Take a Ride with Sunny The Snail Mail #Review #GiftGuide

I don't know about your house, but ours sure does love when mail comes. I enjoy it to, unless it is a bill, but you know what I mean! We have been lucky enough to have a sample of Sunny the Snail Mail sent to us for review and Savannah loves getting a weekly letter in the mail letting her know what Sunny has been up to! It is a cute (and fun) envelope that has a letter in it, stickers and another treasure or two. Each letter tells of Sunny's adventure delivering mail to his animal friends and the things along the way. The letters are fun and interesting, but also educational as well! Perfect to build a love of reading at a young age and they get fun keepsakes as well! (The latest for us included a postcard she could color along with her letter and stickers!) FTC Compliant Review Policy: The product(s) featured in this review were provided free of cost to me by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of ...