If anyone wants to help me...

I would LOVE to know how to go about finding all these different Meme's...
I see them on other blogs (but by that point, I am normally late and I don't know if that would be good or not!)
I just saw the 5 question Friday one... Umm, hello? It is MONDAY, I kinda missed that one!
So, if anyone knows how to go about finding some and getting going ON THE RIGHT DAY.....
Please, give me some comment love and let me know how I can join in on the fun!

Also, I saw on another blog about "Daybook" I think...
Anyone that wants to explain that to me, I am paying attention!

Well, that is it...

I am still learning the blogging world. ( I love it, but want to be more active, that is why I am asking about the Meme's!)
Hope everyone has a great day!


  1. I do Not Me! Mondays. Go over to my blog to check it out.

  2. I usually read about memes when it's too late, then try to remember to participate the next time around! The list at thedailymeme.com isn't complete, but it's a good start.

    Is this the Daybook you mean?

  3. I don't do as many memes as I used to but it's the perfect way to get more involved online and be more active. Do W/W Wednesday if you're not already. That's really popular!

    I used to google for memes so maybe that would still work!


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