Wordless Wednesday #1 - Santa

I have decided that I am going to participate in Wordless Wednesday. You know, a picture really is worth a 1,000 words! For more Wordless Wednesday, please go check out 5minutesformom .

This was actually taken last night at our pediatricians Christmas Party...
Broxton was so good when seeing Santa!
Just wish Daddy could have been there with us!


  1. I'm glad you linked up! I love his chubby cheeks. What a cute photo!

  2. This reminds me I need to get my kids to visit Santa

  3. Aw! That is so cute.

  4. Super cute but not exactly wordless. ;0)

  5. What a cute Christmas photo! Precious!

  6. Cute pic! What a nice pediatrician you have!

  7. Aw, and what a good visit with Santa...no tears!

  8. amazing photo, no screaming or tears. it's nice to have the Mrs. in the picture too. glad it went well and you got a great Christmas card picture. happy WW and take care.

  9. That is way cute! I love that there is Mrs Clause there too!


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