Indigo Dreams Relaxation CD - Review

Who doesn't need to relax from time to time?
I was recently sent an Adult Relaxation Cd from Stress Free Kids for review.

Indigo Dreams Adult Relaxation is perfect for the end of the day.
I have to tell you, it works!
I know that there are days that my mind is always racing...
You know how it is...
you are ready to go to sleep, but your mind is still going and you can not fall asleep.

Lori Lite has the answer!
Lori started off creating stories for her own kids.
That has now evolved into books and Cd's.
In continuing with her company, she has also expanded by now carrying Cd's for teens and adults.

The Indigo Dreams CD is composed of 4 parts.

The first part is AFFIRMATION.
With affirmation, you concentrate on saying positive, feel good messages.

Part two is BREATHING.
Whenever you need to feel calm and peaceful...
This teaches you a calming technique to help with your breathing.
I think that this could be my favorite one.
I have tried to do this before, but the CD helps you so much more.

Part three is VISUALIZATION.
The visualization added with the speakers voice calms you.
I have heard before about colors and the effects it has, but when you hear it this way...
It puts you in a sleepy state that I can not remember when I ever felt that way.

Part four is RELAXATION.
This is the one I listen to after the Breathing..
People have told me to do this to help relax and fall asleep.
I have tried it before and my mind starts to race.
With him talking, it kept me focused and relaxed.

I also like that you do not have to go in order of the CD...
There is no certain order to listen and it seems to work whichever way you listen.

Please head on over and see all the other Cd's that Lori offers.
This would be a great gift to give your loved one..
The gift of relaxation!

Lori has also added a Holiday Stress Tips video on YouTube...
(Never thought about it before, but love the idea of the photo album with the kids!)

********** I received a complimentary CD for review from Stress Free Kids.
The opinions expressed are mine. **********


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